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n.引语; 引文; 语录; 引用; 引述; 引证; 报价; 估价




引语;引文;语录a group of words or a short piece of writing taken from a book, play, speech, etc. and repeated because it is interesting or useful

The book began with a quotation from Goethe.这本书一开头引用了歌德的隽语。

a dictionary of quotations引语词典

引用;引述;引证the act of repeating sth interesting or useful that another person has written or said

The writer illustrates his point by quotation from a number of sources.作者旁征博引以阐明自己的观点。

报价;估价a statement of how much money a particular piece of work will cost

You need to get a written quotation before they start work.你得在他们开工之前拿到报价单。

(货物或股票的)行情,市价,牌价a statement of the current value of goods or stocks

the latest quotations from the Stock Exchange股票交易所的最新行情


N-COUNT 引文;引语;语录A quotation is a sentence or phrase taken from a book, poem, or play, which is repeated by someone else.He illustrated his argument with quotations from Pasternak...他引用帕斯捷尔纳克的话来证明自己的论点。

The second quotation is from an essay that D H Lawrence wrote in the nineteen-twenties.第二段引文出自D. H. 劳伦斯20世纪20年代写的一篇文章。

N-COUNT 报价;开价When someone gives you a quotation, they tell you how much they will charge to do a particular piece of work.Get several written quotations and check exactly what's included in the cost.要几份书面报价,仔细查对费用中包含的内容。

N-COUNT (股票的)挂牌A company's quotation on the stock exchange is its registration on the stock exchange, which enables its shares to be officially listed and traded....an American-dominated investment manager with a quotation on the London stock market.在伦敦股票交易市场挂牌的由美国人主导的投资管理机构


He illustrated his argument with quotations from Pasternak 他引用帕斯捷尔纳克的话来证明自己的论点。

The second quotation is from an essay that D H Lawrence wrote in the nineteen-twenties. 第二段引文出自D.H.劳伦斯20世纪20年代写的一篇文章。

Get several written quotations and check exactly what's included in the cost. 要几份书面报价,仔细查对费用中包含的内容。

The quotation is omitted here. 此处引文从略。

This quotation is taken from a newspaper article. 这段引文是从报上抄录来的。

What is the deadline for submitting the quotation? 报价截止日是哪一天?

The critic padded out the review with quotation from the author. 这个评论家引用那个作家的话拼凑了这篇评论。

Which book does this quotation come from? 这条引文出自哪本书?

The manager cast down his newspaper when he saw the quotation of his speech. 当经理看见报上引用了他的讲话时,他把报纸扔掉了。

This explains why an unmatched single or double quotation mark causes a new prompt to appear. 这解释了不匹配的单引号或双引号会导致出现新提示符的原因。

If you need to include white space in a value, enclose it in quotation marks. 如果您需要在值中包括空白,请将其括在引号中。

The name and description are self-evident; be sure to enclose both values in quotation marks. name和description是不言而喻的,确保用双引号包围它们的值。

186.The quotation submitted by you is too high. 你提交的报价太高了。

Is this your FOB quotation? 你们的报价是离岸价吗?

A: Have we got the quotation ready? 我们的报价准备好了吗?

But the insurance should be included in the quotation. 但是保险应该包含在报价里了。

For example, you can specify to enclose text with quotation marks. 例如,您可以指定将文本包含在引号中。

We will provide you with the quotation according to the publication that you order. 我们将根据您所订刊物提供报价单。

Compile, manage and keep customer contract, quotation and commercial documents; 编制、管理和保存客户合同、报价单和商业文件;

This example uses the Q element to set apart a quotation in text. 下面的例子使用了q元素分离文本中的引语。

Simplify quotation and improve accuracy. 简化报价和提高准确性。

In the end, through example, the quotation system was verified to be feasible and scientific. 最后以工程实例,说明了所研制报价系统的可行性和科学性。

Be responsible for enquiry, request for quotation, analysis and evaluation to quotation from suppliers. 负责询价、供应商报价以及对供应商报价进行分析和评估。

We trust we shall be able to receive your cable quotation for the goods. 我们相信会收到贵公司对该商品的电报报价。

All varieties have quotation and cost combination. 所有品种有报价单和成本组合单。

Quotation and contract management for suppliers. 供应商的报价和合约的管理。

At the same time it can introduce the domestic market quotation and supplier information to the world. 同时将国内的市场行情和供应商的信息介绍到世界。

E-mails relating to the quotation& submission of. 报价和应提交文件相关的电子邮件。

What's your quotation? Can you quote for the new flat? 你的报价是多少?你能估计一下这套新公寓的价钱吗?

I cannot give you our quotation right now. 现在我不能给你我们的报价。



quotation n. 引文,引语


〔例证〕From what book does this quotation come?这一引语出自哪本书?He finished his speech with a quotation from Shakespeare.他讲话结束时引用了莎士比亚的名言。

citation n. 引文,引语


〔例证〕His essay begins with a citation from 'Macbeth'.他的文章引用了《麦克白》中的一句话作为开头。There were dozens of citations from the works of Goethe in her essay.她的文章多处引用了歌德的作品。

extract n. 摘录,选段


〔例证〕These are all extracts from the long poem.这些都是从那首长诗中节选的。He only found short extracts from the film.他只找到了那部电影的一些小片段。



the practice of quoting from books or plays etc.

since he lacks originality he must rely on quotation

a passage or expression that is quoted or cited


a statement of the current market price of a security or commodity

a short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage

the student's essay failed to list several important citations

the acknowledgments are usually printed at the front of a book

the article includes mention of similar clinical cases


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