重新启动if you reboot a computer or it reboots , you switch it off and then start it again immediately
Now you can reboot, and the machine will boot up with your new password. 现在可以重启了,机器将使用新密码启动。
These patches require a reboot of the Unix operating system. 这些补丁要求重新启动Unix操作系统。
You can reboot and check to see whether it works. 您可以重新启动并查看它是否工作。
You can now enable all paths between your server and DS8000 and then reboot Linux. 您可以启用服务器和DS8000之间的所有路径,然后重新启动Linux。
Reboot or terminate any running instance just by clicking a button. 只需单击一个按钮就可以重新启动或终止任意正在运行的实例。
Now, you can safely reboot. 现在,您可以安全地重新引导了。
When was the last time you had to reboot the Informix database on the server? 您上次不得不在服务器上重新启动Informix数据库是什么时候?
In earlier versions, we would configure SHMMAX in/ etc/ system and then reboot. 在以前的版本中,在/etc/system中配置SHMMAX,然后重新引导。
You must reboot if you are migrating a file system from one device to another. 如果您将文件系统从一个设备迁移到另一个设备,那么必须重新启动。
Add sysctl-p to a system initialization file to set kernel parameters after each reboot. 添加sysctl-p到一个系统初始化文件中,以便在每次重新启动时设置内核参数。
Your root file system has changed to/ dev/ sdb after reboot. 在重新启动后,您的根文件系统已经改为/dev/sdb。
If you're updating a daemon, make sure your configuration scripts successfully start the new version on reboot. 如果您正在升级守护程序,请确保当重新启动时您的配置脚本成功地启动了这个新版本。
The system also requires a reboot because the kernel extensions need to be loaded. 因为需要加载内核扩展,所以还需要重新启动系统。
The install requests that you reboot. 安装程序要求您重新启动。
If the commands can't connect to the xend daemon, try to reboot the machine. 如果那两个命令不能连接到xenddaemon,可尝试重新启动计算机。
Reboot the computer and make all the changes to settings you require in the BIOS. 重新启动计算机,在BIOS中对需要的设置做修改。
Reboot the system after the forward and reverse lookup zones have been created. 创建了正向和反向查找区域后,重新启动系统。
Now when you reboot the system, you will have a nice graphical login. 现在当重新启动系统时,就会出现一个很好的图形化登录界面。
With Dynamic LPAR, resources can be dynamically added and removed without requiring a partition reboot. 使用动态LPAR,不需要重新引导分区就可以动态地添加和删除资源。
Your system must be rebooted to adjust system settings. Reboot now? 必须重新启动系统调整系统设置,立即重新启动吗?
Application extensions are lost on reboot, but only the system files have to be restored. 应用程序扩展丢失在重新启动,但只有系统文件必须恢复。
You need to reboot to make the changes have effect. 您需要重新启动系统以使这些改变生效。
Enter to reboot your machine. 就可以重新启动您的机器了。
Press SPACE to reboot or C to continue booting with this kernel. 压空间重新启动或者C继续以这一个核心踢。
You don't need to reboot recovery if you transferred a file to show up in the install menu. 你不需要重新启动恢复,如果你转移文件显示在安装菜单。
Note: You MUST repair permissions before the reboot, otherwise you'll lose keyboard and trackpad functionality completely. 注意:你必须在重启系统之前修复权限,否则你的键盘和触控板会完全丧失功能。
If this is not the case, a database server reboot is required to reconfigure these tasks. 如果不是这样,则需要重新启动数据库服务器以重新配置这些任务。
Attention! All files in quarantine and backup will be lost after reboot. continue? 注意!所有在隔离和备份中的文件将会在重启后丢失。是否继续?
However, one or more installation tasks requires a reboot to complete. 然而,一个或多个安装任务需要重新引导才能完成。
The best we can do is breath and reboot! 我们能做的就是深呼吸和重新开机!
cause to load (an operating system) and start the initial processes
boot your computer
Synonym:bootbring up
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