专四晨读美文:Never Stop Dreaming
Never Stop Dreaming
Leave the excess baggage of yesterday's mistakes
and dare to enter into all the tomorrows.
Leave yesterday to history
and resolve to begin fresh each new day
daring to make dreams become a reality.
Dreams cannot be bought, sold, nor traded.
Dreams are the part of us
that no one else can claim right to possess.
Dreams are what keeps life
full of passion and vitality!
Do not allow others to define
who we are or what our desires may be.
When we allow others to define our boundaries,
we become the limits
others have imposed upon us.
Our dreams are our own
and belong to no one else.
Never admit defeat to a wasted life
by forsaking your dreams!
Life is sweetened by friendships we encounter
along the highways that journey into our dreams.
Dreams are complex and take years to accomplish,
while holding onto the simplicity
of a very young child.
Do not allow life
and the demands of making a living
force you to put dreams on hold.
Not just the successfully rich and famous
have a right to their dreams.
Chase after them as the wind!
The very fact
that you are reading these words
at this moment
is the accomplishment of a dream coming true.
Since early childhood,
I have had a dream to write
and for others to read what I have written,
whether it is poetry or
simple stories and ideas.
I have not dreamed of fortune or fame,
but only to be able to write in a manner
that others can read
and possibly make a difference in their lives.
People have a need to read,
I have a need to create with words
same as a musician creates music with instruments,
or an artist paints his imaginations
before our eyes.
Please keep dreaming
and never give up on yourself.
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