首页 > 综合百科 > 【九年纪上册英语单词表】九年级上册英语作业本浙教版


来源: 时间:2024-08-20 19:39:18 浏览量:


Ⅰ、1、keep diaries in English
2、listen to English tapes
3、work with a group
4、ask the teacher for help
5、look-up new words in a dictionary
6、watch English videos
7、read the textbook aloud

Ⅱ、1、working with a group
2、watching English videos
3、ask the teacher for help .
4、Listening to English tapes
5、read the textbook aloud
6、to look them up in a dictionary
7、kept diaries in English

Ⅱ、watching English movies ,improved ,practiced ,never ,writing practice ,learning grammar ,taking

Ⅲ、1 - 4     D     A     B     C

Ⅰ、1、increase the reading speed
2、review from time to time
3、make mistakes in grammar
4、get much writing practice
5、spoken English
6、get the pronunciation right

Ⅱ、understand ,if ,speak ,sentences ,helped ,good ,difficult ,notes ,Then ,learning

Ⅲ、1、First of all ,it wasn"t easy for him to understand the English teacher most of the time.He was also afraid to speak in class.And he had trouble making complete sentences. Another thing that he found very difficult was English grammar.
2、Doing lots of listening practice.
3、He took lots of grammar notes in every class and wrote his own original sentences using the grammar he was learning.

Ⅰ、1、pay attention to
2、make ,mistakes
3、depends on
4、be born with
5、learn from
6、connect ,with

Ways of learning English
Successful         OK    Unsuccessful
Li Lan        watching English movies reading English magazines      studying grammar
Xiao Lin    studying grammar   Talking with friends in English reading textbooks
Yang Yan  joining the English club    listening to English songs         listening to English tapes

Ⅲ、Possible versions:
1、you can write the new words in your notebooks and review them from time to" time
2、what about joining an English club to practice speaking
3、why not listen to English tapes every day and repeat the difficult words
4、you"d better take notes in class and ask the teacher for help after class
5、it"s a good idea to study with a group and have conversations with friends in English
6、Why don"t you find a pen pal to practice writing or keep diaries every day
Ⅰ、failed ,problem ,words ,read ,improve ,practice

Ⅱ、1 -5     E     A     B     D     C

Ⅲ、One possible version:
How to Be a Successful English Learner?
It is very important for us to learn English well.First ,we should remember the important wordconfidence.That is we should believe in ourselves、So Jane ,don"t worry!Just choose what you"re interested in and try to read more.I believe you will be better at reading、Second ,we"ll have to find out an effective way.Do more practice both in class and out of class.Listening to English tapes and watching English movies may be helpful to Li Ming.Remember: practice makes perfect. Don"t give up!

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