good will
【法】 善意英语解释:
名词 good will:
a disposition to kindness and compassion同义词:grace, goodwill
(accounting) an intangible asset valued according to the advantage or reputation a business has acquired (over and above its tangible assets)同义词:goodwill
the friendly hope that something will succeed同义词:goodwill
例句:I think you should bury the hatchet and invite them to spend Christmas with you as you used to. It is supposed to be the season of peace and good will after all.我认为你们应该和解,像往常一样邀请他们来与你共度圣诞节。毕竟,现在应该是和平与衷心祝福的时候。
A salutation or toast given in drinking someone's health or as an expression of good will at a festivity.祝酒辞节日时喝酒祝某人身体健康或表达良好愿望的敬辞或祝颂
I don't know if any good will come of your actions.我不知道你的行为会带来什么好结果。
What good will it do?这有什么用呢?
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