Olympic Games
Olympic Games汉语翻译:
名词 olympic games:
the modern revival of the ancient games held once every 4 years in a selected country同义词:Olympics, Olympiad
the ancient Panhellenic celebration at Olympia in honor of Zeus; held every 4 years beginning in 776 BC同义词:Olympian Games
例句:The Olympic Games commands the attention of the world.奥运会是举世瞩目的体育比赛。
The Olympic Games begin with a parade of all the competing nations.奥运会以参赛各国的列队行进开始。
Which country will be the host country for the next Olympic Games?哪个国家将是下届奥运会的主办国?
Hotel accommodation was scarce during the Olympic Games.奥运会期间,旅馆房间很难找。
Look! It's the start of the Olympic games!瞧!奥林匹克运动会开始了!
Five cities in the world fought bitterly over the glory of hosting the2000 Olympic Games.世界上有5座城市为申办2000年奥运会展开激烈的角逐。
The Olympic Games are always televised.奥林匹克运动会一向经电视播放。
In early days only male athletes were allowed to take part in the Olympic Games.在奥林匹克运动会早期,只有男性运动员才能参加比赛。
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