South America
South America汉语翻译:
名词 south america:
a continent in the western hemisphere connected to North America by the Isthmus of Panama
the nations of the South American continent collectively
例句:He purposed to visit South America.他计划去南美。
The Western Hemisphere refers to North and South America.西半球是指南北美洲。
The Romance language of the largest part of Spain and most of Central and South America.西班牙语大部分西班牙和中美洲和南美洲大部分使用的罗马语言
The robbers jumped bail and fled to South America.这批盗贼被保释后不期出庭接受审判,却逃到南美洲去了。
A language family widely spread throughout the Amazon River valley, coastal Brazil, and northeast South America.图皮-瓜拉尼语族一种广泛散布于亚马孙河河谷、巴西沿岸地区和南美洲东北部的一个语族
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