adj.含盐的; 咸的; 有趣的; 逗笑的; 有趣而略嫌粗俗的
含盐的;咸的containing or tasting of salt
salty food咸的食物
salty sea air海边带咸味的空气
有趣的;逗笑的;有趣而略嫌粗俗的amusing and sometimes slightly rude
ADJ-GRADED 含盐的;咸的Something that is salty contains salt or tastes of salt....salty foods such as ham and bacon.火腿和熏肉等咸味食品
...a cool salty sea breeze.凉爽且带着一丝咸味的徐徐海风双语例句
The resulting salty water will be discharged at sea 所产生的盐水将被排入大海。
She could smell the salty tang of the sea. 她能闻到海水浓烈的咸味。
The dish is too salty. 菜太咸了。
This dish is not salty enough. 这个菜太淡。
This dish is much too salty. 这个菜咸得齁人。
I prefer food that's not too salty. 我喜欢吃口轻的。
I like salty dishes. 我爱吃口重的。
He's fond of food that is not too salty. 他口轻。
They gave her salty water to make her vomit. 他们给她喝盐水好让她吐出来。
This was the only lie I said to you& the salty coffee. 这是我唯一一次对你说谎&咸味咖啡。
They eat sweet rice dumplings and salty rice dumplings. 他们吃甜味粽子和咸味粽子。
I like sweet rice dumplings with beans, but I don't like salty ones without meat. 我喜欢有豆的甜粽子,但我不喜欢没有肉的咸粽子。
I do not really like this chicken dish; it's too salty. 我不是真的喜欢这些鸡肉,太咸了。
Salty food makes you thirsty. 吃了咸的就觉得渴。
I think it may be too salty. 我觉得也许太咸了。
But I have had the salty coffee for my whole life! 但是我却喝了一辈子的咸咖啡!
The sauce is too salty, add some hot water and it will be great. 酱太咸了,加点儿热水,会更美味。
Our tears are as salty as seawater. 泪水就和海水一样咸。
This explains what makes the Dead Sea so salty. 这就说清了是什么使死海的水如此的咸。
Could I have this dish changed, please? It's too salty. 能不能请把这盘菜换一下?太咸了。
Thanks to his salty coffee! 多亏了那杯咸咖啡。
Both tears and sweat are salty, but they render different results. 泪水和汗水都是咸的,但它们产生了不同的结果。
Sweat and tears are salty. 汗水和泪水有咸味。
The dish in this restaurant is a bit too salty for me. 对我来说,这家饭店的菜太咸了点儿。
When you swim in the sea, you feel that the water is salty. 当你在大海里游泳,你觉得这水是咸的。
Look, this soup is too salty and it's cold. 你瞧,这汤太咸了,而且还是冷的。
These dumplings are too salty. 这饺子太咸了。
Zoom: I have fish, but it's too salty. 我有鱼,但是它太咸了。
We had a bowl of very salty pea and ham soup. 我们喝了一碗非常咸的豌豆火腿汤。
Customer: I hate to complain, but this soup is too salty. 我不想抱怨,但这汤也太咸了。
containing or filled with salt
salt water
engagingly stimulating or provocative
a piquant wit
salty language
one of the four basic taste sensations
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