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abbr.开放式电脑通讯公约(Open System Interconnection); 沿海岛屿(off Shore Island); 科学情报处(Office of Scientific Information)



It defined and discussed the NFS I/ O stack and how the stack relates to both the OSI model and the TCP/ IP stack. 本文定义并介绍了NFSI/O堆栈、以及该堆栈与OSI模型和TCP/IP堆栈模型之间的关系。

The most famous such architecture is the OSI's7 layer network model [ 6]. 最著名的此类结构是OSI的7层网络模型[6]。

This can happen physically at any layer of the OSI layer model ( for example blocking based on sub-net, client IP and/ or port) or logically by leveraging the Dispatcher Password feature introduced as of IBM Cognos 8.4. 这可以在OSI层模型的任何层上以物理方式实现(例如根据子网、客户机IP和/或端口阻止访问),也可以使用IBMCognos8.4中引入的DispatcherPassword特性以逻辑方式实现。

This article covered the relative importance of the network I/ O subsystem, and defined the AIX7 network I/ O layers and how it relates to the OSI Model. 本文介绍了网络I/O子系统的相对重要性,定义了AIX7网络I/O层,并阐述了如何将它与OSIModel联系起来。

The OSI Web site has any number to choose from, and many software companies now have their own. OSIWeb站点上有很多的选择,很多软件公司现在可能已经有了自己的开放源码许可。

McDonald` s roughly 2,000 restaurants in China suffered meat shortages after it ended its relationship with OSI China. 而随着与OSI(中国)终止供应关系,麦当劳在中国的大约2000多家餐厅都面临肉类供应短缺的问题。

OSI was clueless because the private company gave managers a lot of autonomy. 福喜对丑闻毫无头绪,因为这家私有公司给了经理人很大自主权。

The OSI crisis teams flooding into China are engaged in pretty simple stuff. 被派驻至中国的福喜危机管理团队所做的事情相当简单。

OSI said on its Chinese website that management was appalled by the report. OSI集团在其中文网站上说,管理层对这份新闻报道感到震惊。

Which two Cisco IOS commands can be used to verify connectivity above the network layer of the OSI model? 题目的准确翻译为:哪两个ios的命令可以验证osi模型的网络层以上各层的连通性。

The OSI reference model is a framework that is used to understand how information travels throughout a network. OSI参考模型是一个用来了解的信息通过网络旅游框架。

The Difference and Relationship between OSI Reference Model and TCP/ IP Model OSI参考模型与TCP/IP模型的异同及关联

Which layer of the OSI model provides network services to processes in electronic mail and file transfer programs? 在OSI模型的那一层提供网路服务去处理电子邮件何档案传输程式?

A primary objective of the OSI reference model is to accelerate the development of future networking products. OSI参考模型的主要目的是加快未来联网产品的开发。

The OSI reference model, released in1984, was the descriptive scheme they created. OSI参考模型发布于1984年,是由其发明的可描述体系。

What is the correct order for the OSI model? 什么是开放系统互连模式的正确指令?

Level 2 corresponds to the OSI Layer 2 ( Data Link Layer) 第2级对应于OSI第2层(数据链路层)

Based on safety requirement of Ethernet for plant automation ( EPA) system, a new design scheme of embedded EPA bridge was presented with security mechanism across multi-layers in OSI model. 根据EPA控制网络系统安全的要求,提出了一种跨越OSI模型多层安全机制的嵌入式EPA网桥设计方案。

Although there are other models in existence, most network vendors relate their products to the OSI reference model. 虽然存在其他模式,大多数网络厂商的产品涉及到OSI参考模型。

DAP is a heavyweight protocol that operates over a full OSI protocol stack and requires a significant amount of computing resources. DAP是一个重量级的协议,运行在完整安全的OSI协议栈之上,需要消耗大量的计算资源。

A hub works at a higher OSI model layer than a switch. 一个毂在一个比较高的OSI模型工作分层堆积胜于一个开关。

The boundary between two adjacent layers in the OSI model. 在开放系统互连模型中两个相邻层间的边界。

The most major difficulty with the OSI model is that is does not map well to the real world! 最重要的是,OSI模型的困难是没有好到现实世界地图!

Sometimes, it's shown at tow layers, as in the OSI model. 有时它就像OSI模型中的那样,被用两层表示。

This chapter defines the transactions that occur at the seventh OSI level, that is, abstract messages. 本章定义的事件发生在七层协议的第七层,是一种摘要消息。

Describe the purpose and basic operation of the protocols in the OSI and TCP models 描述OSI和TCP模型下协议的用途和基本操作

TCP functions at the Open Systems Interconnection ( OSI) transport layer, or Layer 4. TCP完成开放系统互连(OSI)模型中传输层,即第四层的功能。

The aspects of an application process pertinent to OSI. 应用进程与开放系统互连(OSI)模型相关的各个方面。

Use the OSI and TCP/ IP models and their associated protocols to explain how data flows in a network 用OSI和TCP/IP模型以及相关的协议来解释数据是如何在网络中传输的

TAG: osi集团

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