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n.沿街叫卖者; 小贩




沿街叫卖者;小贩a person who makes money by hawking goods


N-COUNT 街头小贩;上门推销员You can use hawker to refer to a person who tries to sell things by calling at people's homes or standing in the street, especially when you do not approve of this activity....as soon as she saw that it was a visitor and not a hawker or tramp at her door.她一看到门口站着的是位访客而不是街头小贩或流浪汉…


Hawker Siddeley tried to hedge its bets by persifying into other fields 霍克·西德利试图通过在其他领域进行多样化发展来规避风险。

I went downstairs, bought a few big oranges from the hawker at the door, put them into my handbag, and walked along the uneven slabstone path down to the hut. 我下楼在门口买了几个大红的桔子,塞在手提袋里,顺着歪斜不平的石板路,走到那小屋的门口。

In Stockholm you can pay a street hawker with a credit card. 在斯德哥尔摩,你可以用信用卡跟街头小贩结帐。

I love my hawker food and like taking the train when possible. 我爱吃路边摊的食物,喜欢有需要时乘火车。

Mut Wah Street Playground Temporary Hawker Bazaar 物华街运动场临时小贩市场

No hawker and no assistant shall behave in a manner importunate towards, or calculated to obstruct, disturb or annoy, any person. 任何小贩及任何助手不得作出缠扰他人或刻意妨碍或骚扰他人或令他人烦扰的举止。

Provided that nothing in this by-law shall be construed to prevent the use by a hawker of a licence or hawker badge that has been damaged or defaced by accident. 但本条不得解释为阻止小贩使用因意外而被损坏或污损的牌照或小贩徽章。

I'm a night hawker. 我是晚上小贩。

The hawker cried his wares throughout the town. 那小贩沿街叫卖商品。

The hawker I met yesterday is a kind-hearted man. 我昨天遇到的那个小贩是个心地善良的人。

Hawker Court Bail Control Register 小贩法庭保释金登记册

Hawker Beechcraft alone took orders for 16 corporate jets in the first half of this year and will deliver them over the next two years. 仅豪客比奇一家公司今年上半年就收到了16架公务喷气式飞机订单,这些飞机将在未来2年内交付使用。

From scarcity to abundance to the panic of 2008, rice hawker Nguyen thi my has seen it all from her roadside perch near the busy Hom market in central Hanoi. 从稀缺到充足,再到2008年的恐慌从自己位于河内市中心繁忙的hom市场附近的路边摊,米贩子nguyenthimy目睹了全过程。

Itinerant ( Mobile Van) Hawker Licence 流动小贩(流动车)牌照

Most prepared food bought outside the home is eaten at hawker centres or food courts, examples of which include Lau Pa Sat and Newton Food Centre, rather than at actual restaurants. 大多数在外面买的预加工食品都会被人们拿到路边小摊上或者是美食广场去让那里的师傅给煮熟了吃,比如去老巴刹或者牛顿食物中心,而不是真正的餐馆里。

Sam: "Sir, my grandpa was a street hawker, my father is a teacher". 老师,我祖父是街边小贩,我父亲是老师。

Haiphong Road Temporary Cooked Food Hawker Bazaar 海防道临时熟食小贩市场

In this neighborhood there is also a little hawker center. 在这个相邻的国度里也有一个小的集贸市场。

About 60 per cent of Singaporeans eat out four times a week or more, mostly from hawker stalls and food courts scattered across the city state that sell cheap dishes based on rice and noodles that are often cooked with a lot of oil. 大约60%的新加坡人每周外出就餐次数不低于四次,他们主要去全城随处可见的大排档和美食街;这些地方出售的都是面条、米饭和廉价菜,烹饪时放入了大量的油。

Sweet yellow carnations. Heung Hing Lane Cooked Food Hawker Bazaar 芳香的的黄色康乃馨。香馨里熟食小贩市场

The Hawker's Homemade Noodle Vongole ( HK$ 78), is a dai pai dong-style clams and stir-fried noodle dish with chili, garlic and umami-rich black beans. 还有大笪地蚬面(售价78港元),是一种大排档风格的蛤蜊炒面,配上了辣椒、大蒜和鲜美的黑豆。

If for any reasons the tenancy agreement is terminated in future, the cancelled hawker licences will not be returned. 如租约日后因任何原因被终止,已取消的小贩牌照将不获发还。

Cheap Jacks have their carts beside the sidewalk. Itinerant ( Mobile Van) Hawker Licence 流动叫卖小贩把手推车停在人行道旁边。流动小贩(流动车)牌照

No hawker shall deposit or store in a private market any goods or wares or other articles whatsoever. 任何小贩不得在私营街市内存放或贮存任何种类的货品、货物或其它物品。

The picture shows a hawker used the police signs resist rain in Delhi. 图为德里,一名小贩利用警察局招牌挡雨。

A hawker of fruit and vegetables from a barrow. 推着装有水果和蔬菜手推车的叫卖小贩。

This scene was reportedly to describe Chairman Chou's meeting with a hawker ( Liu Kai Chi). 据悉,这场戏是描述周董到大排档,与大排档老板廖启智见面。

For applicants who cannot provide income proofs such as hawker, construction worker, renovation worker, causal worker, cleaner. 适用于未能提供收入证明的申请人如小贩、三行工人、装修工人、地盘杂工、散工、清洁工人等。

A hawker of small wares, as on the streets or at a carnival. 我在马德里的时候正赶上狂欢节。

Except as otherwise provided in these by-laws, no person shall make any alteration to a licence or hawker badge. 除本附例另有规定外,任何人不得对牌照或小贩徽章作出任何更改。



a person who breeds and trains hawks and who follows the sport of falconry


someone who travels about selling his wares (as on the streets or at carnivals)


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