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n.语法; 文法; (人的)语言知识及运用能力; 语法书




语法;文法the rules in a language for changing the form of words and joining them into sentences

the basic rules of grammar基本语法规则

English grammar英语语法

(人的)语言知识及运用能力a person's knowledge and use of a language

His grammar is appalling.他运用语言的能力糟透了。

bad grammar极差的语言运用能力

语法书a book containing a description of the rules of a language

a French grammar法语语法书


N-UNCOUNT 语法;文法Grammar is the ways that words can be put together in order to make sentences.He doesn't have mastery of the basic rules of grammar.他还没有掌握基本的语法规则。

...the difference between Sanskrit and English grammar.梵文语法与英文语法的区别

N-UNCOUNT 文法;语言的运用Someone's grammar is the way in which they obey or do not obey the rules of grammar when they write or speak.His vocabulary was sound and his grammar excellent.他的词汇丰富,语法也很精通。

...a deterioration in spelling and grammar among teenagers.青少年拼写能力和语法知识的下降

N-COUNT 语法书A grammar is a book that describes the rules of a language....an advanced English grammar.高阶英语语法书

N-VAR 语法理论;语法学A particular grammar is a particular theory that is intended to explain the rules of a language.Transformational grammars are more restrictive.转换生成语法局限性更大。


The selection of pupils for grammar schools was biased in favour of the middle-class child of a small family from a good area 文法学校招生时偏向于录取来自好地段的中产阶级小家庭的孩子。

Regional accents are still acceptable but there is to be a blitz on incorrect grammar. 地方口音还可以接受,但要下大力气纠正语法错误。

Modern word processors usually have spelling checkers and even grammar checkers. 现代文字处理器通常带有拼写检查功能,有的还有语法检查功能。

He was educated at Haslingden Grammar School. 他在哈斯灵登文法学校读书。

At his grammar school he is remembered for being bad at games but good in debates. 在文法学校里,他因拙于体育但擅长辩论而让人印象深刻。

He doesn't have mastery of the basic rules of grammar. 他还没有掌握基本的语法规则。

His vocabulary was sound and his grammar excellent. 他的词汇丰富,语法也很精通。

Transformational grammars are more restrictive. 转换生成语法局限性更大。

He is in the third year at Leeds Grammar School. 他在利兹文法学校念3年级。

A grammar school's success was measured in terms of the number of pupils who got into university 一所文法学校成功与否是以考上大学的学生人数为衡量依据的。

I am no pedant and avoid being dogmatic concerning English grammar and expression. 我不是书呆子,不想在英语语法和表达方式上过于教条主义。

There is nothing in the rules of grammar to suggest that ending a sentence with a preposition is wrong. 语法规则中并没有规定句子以介词结尾是错误的。

He was known for his poor grammar and punctuation. 他不通语法和乱用标点是出了名的。

His grammar and syntax, both in oral and written expression, were much better than the average. 无论口头还是笔头,他的文法和句法都非常出众。

The book seems to be more a dictionary than one on grammar. 与其说这是本语法书,倒不如说是一本词典。

She has mastered a foreign language by aid of a grammar and dictionary. 她借助语法书和词典掌握了一门外语。

“ Grandma ” pronounced as “ grammar ” is an example of assimilation. 把“grandma”读成“grammar”是语音同化的一个例证。

Language teachers often extract examples from grammar books. 语言教师常从语法书里摘录例子。

This grammar is easy to understand. 这本语法书通俗易懂。

It is customary for the teacher to provide grammar notes to help the student generalize what he has learned. 教师经常给学生提供语法注释,帮助他归纳所学到的东西。

He caught me out just now with a question on English grammar. 他刚才问了我一个英语语法方面的问题,可把我难住了。

He was endowed the chair of English grammar. 他被授予英语语法教授职位。

His English offends against the rules of grammar. 他的英语不符合语法规则。

He elucidated a point of grammar. 他解释了一个语法要点。

This new grammar we call an augmented operator grammar. 我们把这种新文法称为扩张算符文法。

First, learning the basic vocabulary and grammar of this language. 第一,学习这门语言的基本的词汇和语法。

Part of the difference is that grammar and vocabulary are systematic and structured& the letter of the language. 部分不同是由于语法和词汇是系统的和结构的&语言的文字。

Since I also have trouble in English grammar, I attend an English class to study grammar. 由于我在英语语法上也存在困难,我参加了一个英语学习班学习语法。

Generally speaking, American English is different from British English in pronunciation, spelling, expressions and grammar. 一般说来,美式英语和英式英语在发音、拼写、习惯表达和语法方面有所不同。



the branch of linguistics that deals with syntax and morphology (and sometimes also deals with semantics)

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