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来源:互联网转载 时间:2024-10-14 23:41:00 浏览量:

n. 驾驶员, 驱动器, 驱动程序
【化】 驱动器英语解释:
名词 driver:

the operator of a motor vehicle

someone who drives animals that pull a vehicle

a golfer who hits the golf ball with a driver

(computer science) a program that determines how a computer will communicate with a peripheral device同义词:device driver

a golf club (a wood) with a near vertical face that is used for hitting long shots from the tee同义词:number one wood


The driver was not to blame for the accident.这次事故怪不着司机。

I'm a hopeless driver, but the examiner let me through.我开车的技术糟透了,但考官让我及格了。

The driver was weaving his way through the traffic.司机在车辆和人流中曲折前进。

The driver blew his horn when the child stepped in front of the car.当小男孩走到汽车前面时,汽车司机按响了喇叭。

The acid test of a good driver is whether he remains calm in an emergency.衡量驾驶员水平的决定性考验,就是看他在紧急关头能否保持镇静。

The driver braked his car suddenly.司机突然煞车。

The driver behind me tried to overtake on the inside.我後面的驾驶员想从内车道超过我。

The bus driver asked the passengers to buy tickets.公共汽车司机要求乘客买票。

One that drives, as the operator of a motor vehicle.
A tool, such as a screwdriver or hammer, that is used for imparting forceful pressure on another object.
A machine part that transmits motion or power to another part.
Sports A golf club with a wide head and a long shaft, used for making long shots from the tee.
【体育运动】 高尔夫球棒:一种高尔夫球棒,头宽把长,用于从球座处发长距离球
Nautical A jib-headed spanker.
【航海】 后纵帆

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