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operating margin

来源:互联网转载 时间:2024-08-20 13:20:54 浏览量:



That caused the core operating margin to improve by 90 basis points. 这将相当于公司的核心运营利润率提高90个基点。

Google went public with a 24% operating margin. 谷歌上市时的营业毛利达到24%。

Operating margin for the pision dropped to 12%. 营业毛利则下降到了12%。

In the fiscal quarter ending June 30, Starbucks reported a 36 per cent operating margin in Asia during the quarter to June 30; that compares with 22 per cent in the Americas and 3 per cent in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. 在截至6月30日的财季,星巴克报告亚洲营运利润率达到36%,高于美洲的22%以及欧洲、中东和非洲的3%。

Samsung's phone pision reported a16.9 percent operating margin, which further takes account of marketing costs. 三星公司手机部报告称其运营差额在16.9%,这其中包括市场消耗。

Rivals have pointed to Huawei's lower prices as a main reason for its market share gains, but its operating margin rose from 12.9 per cent in 2008 to 14.1 per cent last year. 竞争对手认为,价格较低是华为市场份额上升的主要原因,但其营运利润率从2008年的12.9%升至去年的14.1%。

While Carrefour is estimated to make an operating margin of 2-3 per cent in China, Wal-Mart is taking a much bigger bet through its acquisition and infrastructure strategy. 据估计,家乐福在中国的营运利润率为2%至3%,而沃尔玛则通过并购和基础设施战略押下了更大的赌注。

On Tuesday the company further lowered its second-quarter operating margin target from 6-9 per cent to "around breakeven", and said that the outlook was too uncertain to provide new full-year estimates. 周二,该公司进一步将次季经营利润率从6%-9%下调至“盈亏平衡水平附近”,并表示由于前景过于不明朗,目前无法提供新的全年盈利指引。

And while external guidance has been dropped, closely held internal targets on volume growth, operating margin and working capital "have never been clearer than before". 虽然对外的指导数据降低了,但公司内部的销量增长、营业利润和营运资本目标从未松懈过,且“比从前任何时候都更清晰了”。

Shares in Nokia fell more than 4 per cent yesterday after the Finnish company warned its telecoms equipment business would not generate a double digit operating margin until the end of 2009. 诺基亚(Nokia)股价昨日下跌超过4%。这家芬兰公司此前发出警告,到2009年底前,该公司的电信设备业务都无法实现两位数的营运利润率。

Profit attributable to shareholders was$ 303m, up 20 per cent from the same period a year ago, while operating margin improved 0.2 percentage points to 2.3 per cent. 联想股东应占利润为3.03亿美元,同比增长20%,而营运利润率同比增长了0.2个百分点达2.3%。

Evaluate and compare the net operating margin of a Webvan Distribution Center against that of an equivalent number of traditional supermarkets. 评估并比较Webvan配送中心和那些相同数量的传统超商的营运净利。

Operating Margin Calculated by piding a company's operating profit by net sales. 营运利润率计算方法为公司营运利润除以净销售额。

It reported a 6 per cent operating margin in the first nine months of this year, representing a peak. 该公司报告称,本财年前9个月的营运利润率为6%,达到历史最高水平。

The pision achieved an operating margin of 4.1 per cent a year ahead of schedule. 该项业务比原计划提前一年实现了4.1%的运营利润率。

The company said that while "visibility is very limited," operating margin for devices and services could be around breakeven. 该公司表示,尽管“盈利的可预见性有限”,但设备和服务业务的经营利润率仍会维持在收支平衡点附近。

Its operating margin has almost halved since 2008. 自2008年以来,它的营运利润率已下降近一半。

Just four months into the year, the company has reduced its operating margin forecast by a percentage point, in tacit recognition that it is failing to compete in the high-end smartphone market. 今年刚刚过去了4个月,该公司已将营业利润率预期下调了一个百分点,并默认自己未能参与高端智能手机市场的竞争。

The company also expects non-IFRS ( the equivalent of non-GAAP) operating margin to be below the previously expected range of6%-9% for the quarter. 该公司还预计,非国际会计准则的当季营业利润率将远低于此前预计的6%至9%。

The answer may be because before the crisis the biggest contributor to ROE by far was leverage, rather than operating margin or revenue growth. 答案可能是因为,在金融危机前,对股本回报率贡献最大的当属杠杆,而非营业利润率或营收增长。

Mr Lee will not give overall sales figures but the business has an operating margin of 4.8 per cent and a gross profit margin of 20 per cent, he says. lee先生不愿透露整体销售额,但他表示,生意的营运利润率为4.8%,毛利率为20%。

"Its operating margin is expected to fall in2004 as marketing costs increase," says Mr Kim. “预计随着营销成本增加,公司2004年的运营利润将会下降,”金先生说。

The producer of BMW, Mini and Rolls-Royce cars reiterated its target for 2012, when it aims for an operating margin of 8-10 per cent in its automotive segment. 这家宝马、迷你(Mini)及劳斯莱斯(Rolls-Royce)汽车的生产商重申了2012年的目标,即汽车部门的营运利润率将达到8%至10%。

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