
来源:互联网转载 时间:2024-08-20 13:33:09 浏览量:

n.英寸(长度单位,等于2.54厘米,1英尺等于12英寸); 少量; 短距离




英寸(长度单位,等于2.54厘米,1英尺等于12英寸)a unit for measuring length, equal to 2.54 centimetres. There are 12 inches in a foot.

1.14 inches of rain fell last night.昨晚的降雨量为1.14英寸。

She's a few inches taller than me.她比我高几英寸。

少量;短距离a small amount or distance

He escaped death by an inch .他差点丧了命。

The car missed us by inches .那辆车险些撞到了我们。

He was just inches away from scoring.他只差一点儿就得分了。


(使朝某方向)谨慎移动to move or make sth move slowly and carefully in a particular direction

She moved forward, inching towards the rope.她小心翼翼地慢慢向绳子挪过去。

I inched the car forward.我开着车小心地缓缓前行。

He inched his way through the narrow passage.他一点一点地穿过狭窄的通道。


N-COUNT 英寸(约等于 2.54 厘米)An inch is an imperial unit of length, approximately equal to 2.54 centimetres. There are twelve inches in a foot....a candy tin 6 inches high and 8 inches in diameter.高 6 英寸、直径 8 英寸的糖果罐子

...18 inches below the surface.表面以下 18 英寸

V-ERG (使)缓慢移动To inch somewhere or to inch something somewhere means to move there very slowly and carefully, or to make something do this....a climber inching up a vertical wall of rock...沿一面陡直石壁慢慢往上爬的人

He inched the van forward...他一点点向前挪动着货车。

An ambulance inched its way through the crowd.救护车在人群中缓慢前进。

PHRASE (某个地方的)全部,每一寸地方If you talk about every inch of an area, you are emphasizing that you mean the whole of it.Every inch of shelf space was crammed with books...书架上全都塞满了书。

We are prepared to fight for every inch of territory.我们时刻准备着为每一寸领土而战。

PHRASE 在各方面;完全;彻底If you say that someone looks every inch a certain type of person, you are emphasizing that they look exactly like that kind of person.He looks every inch the City businessman...他完全是一副伦敦金融城商界人士的派头。

There stood Gertrude, looking every inch a star.格特鲁德站在那里,完全是一副明星的派头。

PHRASE 一点一点地;缓慢地If someone or something moves inch by inch, they move very slowly and carefully.The car moved forward inch by inch...汽车一点一点地向前移动。

The police were searching the area inch by inch.警方在对那个地区进行仔细搜查。


The skirts were shortened an inch or two. 这些裙子被改短了一两英寸。

The spring had been unusually dry and we received only two tenths of an inch of rain during the entire month of June. 春天异常干旱,我们在整个6月只有0.2英寸的降雨量。

He inched the van forward 他一点点向前挪动着货车。

An ambulance inched its way through the crowd. 救护车在人群中缓慢前进。

Every inch of shelf space was crammed with books 书架上全都塞满了书。

We are prepared to fight for every inch of territory. 我们时刻准备着为每一寸领土而战。

He looks every inch the City businessman 他完全是一副伦敦金融城商界人士的派头。

There stood Gertrude, looking every inch a star. 格特鲁德站在那里,完全是一副明星的派头。

The car moved forward inch by inch 汽车一点一点地向前移动。

The police were searching the area inch by inch. 警方在对那个地区进行仔细搜查。

An eight-week-old embryo is only an inch long 8星期大的胚胎只有一英寸长。

A memorial service was held yesterday at Wadhurst Parish Church. The Rev Michael Inch officiated. 昨天,悼念仪式在沃德赫斯特堂区教堂举行,迈克尔·英奇牧师担任主持。

There was not one inch of soil that was not under the plough. 没有一寸土地未被开垦成耕地。

Make a slit in the stem about half an inch long. 在树干上切一道大约半英寸长的口子。

It is a very pretty butterfly, with a 2 inch wing span 这是一只非常美丽的蝴蝶,翼展2英寸。

There was hardly a spare inch of space to be found. 几乎找不到一丁点空余的地方。

Every inch of his arms and legs was ulcerated. 他四肢全都溃烂了。

An inch of time is an inch of gold.; Time is money. 一寸光阴一寸金。

The scale is an inch to the mile. 比例是用一吋代表一哩。

Now, every square inch of land is utilized. 现在连巴掌大的地方都利用上了。

The candle grew down until only an inch was left. 蜡烛越烧越短,最后只剩下一英寸。

If you feel that you're right, stick to your guns, and don't let anyone persuade you to budge an inch. 如果你认为自己是正确的,就坚持己见,别让人使你动摇分毫。

From that day, all the explorers have to walk, inch by inch, all the way up to the gulf. 从那一天起,所有探险员都得一步一步地走到海湾去。

They couldn't see an inch before them in the dark. 在黑暗中,他们一点儿也看不见前边。

He knows every inch of the land here. 他对这里的土地了如指掌。

He came to this inch by inch. 他逐步地达到了这种程度。

He was within an inch of drowning. 他险些淹死。

The scale of this map is an inch to a mile. 这张地图的比例尺是一英寸代表一英里。

We request that every inch of land should be cultivated. 我们要求每一寸土地得到耕种。



every inch

整体;全部the whole of sth

The doctor examined every inch of his body.医生检查了他全身的每一部分。

If they try to fire me I'll fight them every inch of the way .他们要是想解雇我,我就和他们抗争到底。


In his first game the young player already looked every inch a winner.那位年轻的选手在第一场比赛就已经被认为胜券在握。

give sb an inch (and they'll take a mile/yard)

得寸进尺used to say that if you allow some people a small amount of freedom or power they will see you as weak and try to take a lot more

inch by inch

缓慢而谨慎地;一步一步very slowly and with great care or difficulty

She crawled forward inch by inch.她一点一点地往前爬。

not budge/give/move an inch

寸步不让to refuse to change your position, decision, etc. even a little

We tried to negotiate a lower price but they wouldn't budge an inch.我们试图把价还低一些,但他们寸步不让。

within an inch of sth/of doing sth

差一点;险些very close to sth/doing sth

She was within an inch of being killed.她险些丧命。

They beat him (to) within an inch of his life (= very severely) .他们险些儿把他打死。

not trust sb an inch

对…根本不相信to not trust sb at all



a unit of length equal to one twelfth of a foot


a unit of measurement for advertising space

Synonym:column inch


advance slowly, as if by inches

He edged towards the car


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