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来源: 时间:2024-08-20 14:50:07 浏览量:

v.失败; 破产; 沉没




(组织、机构等的)创建者,创办者,发起人a person who starts an organization, institution, etc. or causes sth to be built

the founder and president of the company公司的创办人和总裁


失败;破产to fail because of a particular problem or difficulty

The peace talks foundered on a basic lack of trust.由于缺乏基本信任,和平谈判搁浅。

沉没to fill with water and sink

Our boat foundered on a reef.我们的船触礁沉没。


N-COUNT 创办人;创立者;奠基者The founder of an institution, organization, or building is the person who got it started or caused it to be built, often by providing the necessary money.He was one of the founders of the university's medical faculty.他是该大学医学院的创建人之一。

VERB 失败;崩溃;垮掉If something such as a plan or project founders, it fails because of a particular point, difficulty, or problem.The talks have foundered, largely because of the reluctance of some members of the government to do a deal with criminals.对话已经破裂了,原因主要是因为一些政府成员不愿意和犯罪分子达成协议。

VERB (船只)沉没If a ship founders, it fills with water and sinks.Three ships foundered in heavy seas.三艘船在波涛汹涌的海面上沉没了。


Mr Meridor's father was a comrade-in-arms of the party's founder. 梅里多先生的父亲是该党创始人的战友。

He was one of the founders of the university's medical faculty. 他是该大学医学院的创建人之一。

The talks have foundered, largely because of the reluctance of some members of the government to do a deal with criminals. 对话已经破裂了,原因主要是因为一些政府成员不愿意和犯罪分子达成协议。

Three ships foundered in heavy seas. 三艘船在波涛汹涌的海面上沉没了。

Though the service is available only in California, its founder Michael Cane says he plans to franchise it in other states 尽管只有在加利福尼亚才有这项服务,其创立者迈克尔·凯恩表示计划在其他州出售特许经营权。

Without the founder's drive and direction, the company gradually languished 没有了创始人的斗志与指引,公司逐渐走向没落。

He is the founder of International Sports Management Limited. 他是国际体育管理有限公司的创始人。

The teacher training college put up a plaque to the college's founder. 那所教师培训学院为该学院的创立者立了一块纪念牌匾。

He was the founder and guiding spirit of New York's Shakespeare Festival. 他是纽约莎士比亚戏剧节的创始人及领导者。

He was extolled as the founder of their Florentine school. 他被称颂为佛罗伦萨画派的鼻祖。

The original founder is still head of the organization. 原先的创立者现在仍然是这个组织的领导。

He is the founder of impressionism. 他是印象派的开山祖师。

Fortune selected Tencent founder Pony Ma for his digital and international know-how. 《财富》的选择是腾讯(Tencent)创始人马化腾,原因是他对数字领域和国际市场的了解。

Credit Suisse's new partner, Founder Group, was established in1986 by Peking University. 此次瑞信的新合作伙伴方正集团是由北京大学于1986年成立的一家大型企业集团。

1926, Kurt Lewin, founder of social psychology, called this substitution. 1926年,社会心理学的创始人库尔特勒温称这个为替代。

American Bill Gates is known around the world as founder and former chairman of Microsoft Corporation. 作为微软公司的成立者和前总裁,美国人比尔盖茨享誉世界。

Warren Buffett, the billionaire founder of Berkshire Hathaway, disclosed on Tuesday that he has stage-one prostate cancer. 亿万富翁、伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(BerkshireHathaway)创始人沃伦巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)周二透露,他患上了前列腺癌,目前处于一期阶段。

This epic extolled the founder of this primitive tribe. 这部史诗歌颂了这个原始部落的创始人。

And easily makes its founder Reid Hoffman a newly minted billionaire. 公司创始人里德·霍夫曼(ReidHoffman)不费吹灰之力成为了新的亿万富豪。

I am the founder and Executive Director of the Ross Institute of New Jersey ( RI). 我是美国新泽西州罗斯研究所的创始人和执行主席。

Founder has denied the allegations. 方正否认了相关指控。

Arianna Huffington, founder of the highly successful blog network Huffington Post, uses a medical analogy. 非常成功的博客(网志)网络HuffingtonPost的创始人AriannaHuffington用了一个医学类比。

What is interesting is that they have appointed outsiders to run the company and the founder has retired. 有趣的是,他们已任命外界企业的管理和已退休的创始人。

Steve Jobs, Apple founder, dies. 乔布斯,苹果创始人,去世了。

BYD founder Wang Chuanfu, Buffett said, is a genius. 比亚迪创办人王传福可是个天才,巴菲特说。

He was the founder of this society. 他是这一团体的创立者。

He is founder and president of the Literature and Film Association and has worked in television. 他是创始人和文学与电影协会会长,并在电视台工作。

The founder of modern Chinese art career, outstanding artist and art educator. 中国现代美术事业的奠基者,杰出的画家和美术教育家。

Patrick McGovern, founder and chairman of IDG, are present at the signing ceremony. 美国国际数据集团创始人及董事长麦戈文等出席了签字仪式。

She is the founder and managing director of the company. 她是公司的创立人和董事长。



a person who founds or establishes some institution

George Washington is the father of his country

Synonym:beginnerfounding fatherfather

a worker who makes metal castings

inflammation of the laminated tissue that attaches the hoof to the foot of a horse



stumble and nearly fall

the horses foundered

break down, literally or metaphorically

The wall collapsed

The business collapsed

The dam broke

The roof collapsed

The wall gave in

The roof finally gave under the weight of the ice

Synonym:collapsefall incave ingivegive waybreak

sink below the surface

fail utterly

The project foundered

Synonym:fall throughfall flatflop

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