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as far as的意思

来源: 时间:2024-08-20 14:50:12 浏览量:

as far as 是什么意思及中文翻译:
包含as far as的单词
Fartash 放屁
Farinhas 法林哈斯
Farinasso 法里纳索
Rastafarian (牙买加)塔法里教的
包含as far as的短语
in so far as 在…的范围内
go back as far as 追溯到…
as far as be concerned 就我而言
so far as . be concerned 就.而言
as far as one is concerned 就一个人而言
as far as is/are concerned 就目前而言
as far as 相关例句
As far as I can tell, severe abandonment issues.
As far as I know, Abbotts better not to be lit.
As far as I. As far as I can see, hes a big liar.
就我所知, 他不过是个说谎大王。
I didn't think we'd get this far, ie as far as this.
As far as I can see, he says much the same as they do.
As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.
东离西有多远, 他叫我们的过犯, 离我们也有多远。
They were true to the facts in one regard, yet far afield as far as the main issue is concerned.
他们忠实于事实的一个方面, 而就主要问题而言却远非如此。
For ease of reference, the present report follows the same structure, as far as possible, as the1997 report.
As far as the research on Jin Dynasty's royal is concerned, in the strict sense it has begun as early as Yuan Dynasty.
对金朝皇族的研究, 严格意义上说是从元朝就开始了。
As far as the border area is concerned,it would at once suffer devastation,just as it did in August,if the Red Army moved away.

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