
来源: 时间:2024-08-20 15:12:31 浏览量:

n.葡萄酒; (用植物或除葡萄以外的水果酿制的)酒,果酒; 紫红色; 深红色
v.喝酒; 请…喝酒




葡萄酒an alcoholic drink made from the juice of grapes that has been left to ferment . There are many different kinds of wine .

a bottle of wine一瓶葡萄酒

a glass of dry/sweet wine 一杯干 / 甜葡萄酒

red/rosé/white wine 红 / 玫瑰红 / 白葡萄酒

sparkling wine 汽酒

(用植物或除葡萄以外的水果酿制的)酒,果酒an alcoholic drink made from plants or fruits other than grapes

elderberry/rice wine接骨木果酒;米酒

紫红色;深红色a dark red colour




N-MASS 葡萄酒;果蔬酒Wine is an alcoholic drink which is made from grapes. You can also refer to alcoholic drinks made from other fruits or vegetables as wine ....a bottle of white wine...一瓶白葡萄酒

This is a nice wine.这种葡萄酒味道不错。

...homemade parsnip wine.家酿欧洲萝卜酒

COLOUR 深红色;紫红色;酒红色Wine is used to describe things that are very dark red in colour.She wore her wine-coloured gaberdine raincoat.她穿着深红色华达呢雨衣。 olive and wine wool sweater.橄榄绿与深红色相间的羊毛衫

PHR-ERG 大吃大喝;盛宴款待If you wine and dine, or if someone wines and dines you, you go out, for example to expensive restaurants, and spend a lot of money.Colleagues were furious at doing her work while she wined and dined...同事们干着她的活儿,而她却在外面大吃大喝,这让大家都气坏了。

A lot of money went on wining and dining prospective clients.很多钱都花在宴请潜在客户上了。


On a table pushed against a wall there were bottles of beer and wine. 在一张靠墙的餐桌上有啤酒和葡萄酒。

The fermenting wine has bubbled up and over the top 发酵的葡萄酒已经冒泡,溢了出来。

On arrival, guests are offered wine or a champagne cocktail 每位宾客一到场都会有人送上葡萄酒或香槟鸡尾酒。

I went out for a meal last night and drank copious amounts of red wine 我昨晚出去吃饭,喝了很多红酒。

Glasses of Madeira wine were brought to us. We declared it delicious 端来了几杯马德拉白葡萄酒,我们一致认为它的味道好极了。

We downed bottles of local wine. 我们喝了好几瓶本地产的葡萄酒。

The wine flowed and we danced the night away 我们喝了很多酒,跳了一个晚上的舞。

All sherry is made from wine fortified with brandy. 所有的雪利酒都是在葡萄酒中加入白兰地勾兑成的。

I have left my best wine until last 我把最好的酒留到了最后。

Unlike wine, brandy matures only in wood, not glass. 和葡萄酒不同的是,白兰地只能在木制容器而非玻璃容器里酿制。

The waiter offered him red wine or white wine with his meal 侍者为他端上佐餐的红葡萄酒或者白葡萄酒。

Cider also goes up by a penny a pint while sparkling wine will cost another eight pence a bottle. 苹果酒每品脱也涨了1便士,而汽酒则每瓶涨了8便士。

I refilled our wine glasses. 我再次斟满了我们的酒杯。

Let's call room service, I need a bottle of wine. 我们叫客房服务吧,我要一瓶红酒。

If you can't run to champagne, buy sparkling wine. 如果买不起香槟酒,就买汽酒好了。

I settled the bill for my coffee and his two glasses of wine 我为我的咖啡和他的两杯葡萄酒付了账。

My head was spinning from the wine 我喝了葡萄酒后晕乎乎的。

If the sauce seems too sweet, add a dash of red wine vinegar. 如果酱汁太甜的话,可以加少许红酒醋。

We have a taste of the white wine he's brought. 我们尝了尝他带来的白葡萄酒。

He finished his aperitif and tasted the wine the waiter had produced 他喝完开胃酒,又尝了点侍者端来的葡萄酒。

Gregory poured another glass of white wine and went back to his bedroom. 格雷戈里又倒了一杯白葡萄酒后回到了卧室。

This is a nice wine. 这种葡萄酒味道不错。

Colleagues were furious at doing her work while she wined and dined 同事们干着她的活儿,而她却在外面大吃大喝,这让大家都气坏了。

A lot of money went on wining and dining prospective clients. 很多钱都花在宴请潜在客户上了。

He filled [ poured] another cup of wine for me. 他又给我斟了一杯酒。

The wine has been watered. 这酒是兑了水的。

He drank up the wine which was left in the bottle. 他喝光了剩在瓶里的酒。

Drink this glass of wine. 这杯酒你喝了它。

The wine bottle is empty. 酒瓶干了。

The crock isfilled with wine. 缸里盛满了酒。



wine and dine (sb)

(去餐馆等)大吃大喝;用酒宴款待to go to restaurants, etc. and enjoy good food and drink; to entertain sb by buying them good food and drink

The firm spent thousands wining and dining potential clients.这家公司成千上万地花费在大摆酒宴款待潜在的客户上。



a red as dark as red wine


fermented juice (of grapes especially)



treat to wine

Our relatives in Italy wined and dined us for a week

drink wine

TAG: wines

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