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防守挡击(政治上指通过沉默或冗长发言等手段阻碍议事或拖延决议)(especially in politics) to delay a discussion or decision by refusing to answer questions or by talking a lot


VERB (为隐瞒或逃避某事而)暂不作决定,迟迟不作答复,态度骑墙If you say that someone stonewalls, you disapprove of them because they delay giving a clear answer or making a clear decision, often because there is something that they want to hide or avoid doing.The administration is just stonewalling in an attempt to hide their political embarrassment...政府只是在模棱两可地拖延时间,企图掩盖自己的政治窘态。

He did his best this week to stonewall questions and to block even the most modest proposals.他这周竭力避免作出明确答复,甚至连一些最温和的建议都企图阻拦。


The administration is just stonewalling in an attempt to hide their political embarrassment 政府只是在模棱两可地拖延时间,企图掩盖自己的政治窘态。

He did his best this week to stonewall questions and to block even the most modest proposals. 他这周竭力避免作出明确答复,甚至连一些最温和的建议都企图阻拦。

Senior South Korean officials are now telling journalists the South may stiffen its policy toward the North even further soon, if North Korea continues to stonewall the investigation. 韩国高级官员告诉记者,如果北韩继续阻止调查,韩国可能很快进一步对北韩采取强硬政策。

Southern commanders included Thomas ( Stonewall) Jackson, Joseph Johnston, James Longstreet, and J.E.B. Stuart. 当时南部邦联的指挥将领包括托马斯(斯顿威尔)约翰逊、约瑟夫约翰斯顿、詹姆斯朗斯特里特和J.E.B.斯图亚特。

According to Stonewall, about a quarter of gay employees hide their orientation from colleagues. 石墙的数据显示,约四分之一的同性恋员工对同事隐瞒自己的性取向。

While GM opted for something approaching full disclosure of its missteps, publishing an report into company-wide fumbles, Japanese airbag maker Tanaka chose to stonewall. It left any remedies up to its beleaguered customers, notably Honda and Toyota. 这家汽车制造商选择勇敢曝光自己的失误,并公开发布了一份自查报告。而日本气囊生产商高田公司却对气囊门三缄其口,转而把补救措施留给其深陷困境的客户本田和丰田来实施。

I want you to stonewall it, let them plead the Fifth Amendment ( Richard M.Nixon) 我要你抵制它,让他们请求第五次修改(理查德M.尼克松)

The great Confederate General, Stonewall Jackson, was dead. 伟大的同盟军将领,史东旺·杰克逊,逝世了。

From deep within the heart of the Stonewall Mountains, home to the magnificent halls of the Wheel Clan, do I bring you, humble reader, this tome pertaining to all things dwarven. 尊敬(怀疑是原文错了)的读者,我觉得自己就是在石墙山脉深处的轮氏部落的壮丽厅堂里,写下的这本反映矮人生活各方面的书。

But I have to be realistic in that if a top player is in form and doing well then he will be coveted by the other clubs. I can't give stonewall guarantee that we'll be able to hold onto him. 但是我必须很清醒很现实的意识到如果一个顶级球员状态良好表现优秀,那他必定会招来其他球队的觊觎,我不能百分之百的保证我们能够留住他。

Top of the Stonewall index, Ernst& young can now measure the business case after conducting global research around the correlation of employee engagement and the performance of business units. 领衔“石墙”指数的安永(ernst&young)在对员工投入度与业务部门业绩之间的关联进行全球调查后,现在能够衡量多元化的商业必要性。

If the Union force attacked before Stonewall Jackson got into position, Lee could not possibly hold it back. 如果联盟军在史东旺·杰克逊达到目的前发起攻击,那么李将难以阻止它们(的攻击)。

They stonewall their partner, holding all of their feelings inside them, except when threatening to explode like a volcano. 他们与伙伴们筑起围,压抑自己的感受,除非他们的害怕足以使到火山爆发。

Stonewall Jackson: I do not expect to survive to the end of this war; and, failing victory, I do not know that I would choose to. 杰克逊将军:我不希望战争结束或者失败时还能幸存下来,我不知道将会选择什么。

Up the street came the rebel tread, Stonewall Jackson riding ahead. 叛军的队伍从大街上走过来,斯通沃尔?杰克逊骑马走在前头。

Lee met that night with his top general, Stonewall Jackson. 那天晚上,李与他的高级将领&史东旺·杰克逊会谈。

Only two out of nine fire services that took part in the survey scored well enough to make it, said Stonewall. 石墙表示,在参加调查的9家消防服务机构中,只有两家的得分足够进入前100名。

These dancing images frozen on the stonewall are not only reliable source materials of ancient Chinese dancing, but more important references and valuable resources for the research of the history, creation and performance of authentic Chinese dancing. 这些静止在石壁上的舞蹈造型,既是古代舞蹈的信史资料,更是我们研究中国舞蹈历史和创作、表演中国民族舞蹈的重要参照和宝贵资源。



engage in delaying tactics or refuse to cooperate

The President stonewalled when he realized the plot was being uncovered by a journalist

obstruct or hinder any discussion

Nixon stonewalled the Watergate investigation

When she doesn't like to face a problem, she simply stonewalls

TAG: stonewall

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