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commit suicide

来源: 时间:2024-09-27 15:27:24 浏览量:

commit suicide汉语翻译:
【法】 * 英语解释:
动词 commit suicide:

kill oneself


After shooting his wife, he commit suicide in the bedroom.在开枪打死妻子后,他在卧室 * 。

That's nonsense. Without money, I would be so sad I would commit suicide at once.无稽之谈,如果没有钱,我伤心的几乎要马上 * 。

The novelist makes his heroine commit suicide at the end of the book.那小说作者在书的结尾让他的女主人公 * 了。

She tried to commit suicide, but we saved her life by chance.她试图 * ,但我们碰巧救了她。

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