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来源: 时间:2024-09-05 12:14:55 浏览量:

网络英国偶像; x因子; 未知因素; X因素


Brianna: Simon, along with his sharp tongue, will bring an American version of his hit British talent competition, The X-Factor, across the pond 布兰娜:西蒙,带着他有名的毒舌,越过大洋,将会为大家带来其制作的当红英国才艺比赛类节目《X元素》的美国版本

He's still gonna be front and centre in American pop culture, so it's not that big a change when you think about that for FOX and X-Factor is also gonna be on FOX. 在美国的流行文化中他依旧引领潮流并占据着中心地位。如果这么想的话,你就不会觉得福克斯会有多大的改变,因为《X元素》也将在福克斯电视台上播映。

Just like every other breeding methodology, the X-factor also has its limitations. 与其他的繁殖理论一样,未知因素也有它自身的局限性。

The sheer drive and ambition of the Chinese people is the X-factor often left out of the economic equation. 中国人的万丈干劲与雄心,是常常被经济方程式遗漏的未知因素。

Rather, success at the top depends less on an analytical mind than the X-factor of compelling leadership. 实际上,高层的成败更多地取决于令人瞩目的领导力中的未知因素,而非分析性的思维。

The X-factor is the pure joy of doing something you didn't think you could do and overcoming your fears. 一切都围绕要素,即做一些你原来认为不可能,需要克服你内心恐惧的活动,从中获得乐趣。

It may not have the glitz and glamour of X-Factor or Strictly Come Dancing, but at least we didn't have to put up with Simon Cowell and Len Goodman for this. 或许这利物浦十年最佳阵容的评选远不如《英国偶像》或《舞动奇迹》那般星光闪耀,但至少我们不用请西蒙·考威尔和莱恩·古德曼什么的来评判。

These new sports are called "extreme sports" and all center on the "X-factor"& the pure joy of doing something that you didn't think you could do and overcoming your fears. 这些新的体育运动被称作为极限运动,所有这些运动都以难预测的因素为中心。

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