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来源: 时间:2024-09-05 12:24:11 浏览量:


元旦[yuán dàn]

New Year's Day; New Year's; New Year's day ;



At christmas and new year, the time-sweepers have a week's holiday.2.元旦那天聚集的成百上千的哀悼的人们也不接受官方的结论。

Hundreds of mourners who gathered on new year's day were not convinced either.3.当年,法国采用了改革后的日历,把元旦挪到1月1日。

That year, france adopted the reformed calendar and shifted new year's day tojan. 1.4.他将元旦从3月1日变更为1月1日,并且每四年增加额外的一天。

He changed new year's day from march 1st to january 1st and added an extra dayevery four years.


The people later put yao died, shundi sacrifice to heaven and earth first emperoryao that day, as a year starting date, the day of the first month called "new year'sday", or "yuan is", this is the ancient new year's day.

TAG: 元旦 英语

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