open drain
Open the pipe to let the water drain off. 把管子打开,让水流出去。
But right then, I wished I could open my veins and drain his cursed blood from my body. 在我生命的大部分时光,我对爸爸敬若神明。可是那一刻,我恨不得能扯开自己的血管,让他那些该死的血统统流出我的身体。
Open the raw water drain valve until the outlet water becomes clear, and then close the valve. 开启原水排放阀,直到出水清澈为止,然后关闭。
Check all valves to ensure that they are in correct states. Open the high salinity water drain valve on the RO device. 检查所有阀门,以确定阀门处于正确状态。将RO设备上浓水排放阀打开。
It is an open drain terminal. 它是一个开放的漏极。
If the work is to be done in the open, one should select a site with good drainage so that blood and water can drain away from the carcass. 如屠宰于露天进行,那么应选择一个带有良好下水管道的地点,这样会让血和水从肉尸上顺利流走。
The prime minister announced on Thursday that the government would open Bangkok's sluice gates to allow the deluge from the North to drain through canals in Bangkok into the Gulf of Thailand. 该总理周四宣布,政府将打开曼谷的水闸门,让来自北部的洪水通过曼谷的运河流到泰国湾。
Temperature and pressure relief valve properly installed with a discharge line run to an open drain and protected from freezing. 正确安装降温减压安全阀,并配置排泄管引导至一个敞开的排水口,并确保不会被冻结。
Human waste is piped directly into the sea without being treated. Hold the drain open until clean fuel exits the drain. 人类的排泄物不经处理被直接排泄到海里。保持排泄阀打开直至清洁的燃油从排泄管流出。
Make sure the discharge of this valve is directed to an open drain and protected from freezing. 要确保阀门排泄的水直接排放到一个畅通的排水口,并保证不会冻结。
The family of Abigail Taylor says an open drain in a swimming pool sucked out part of her small intestinal tract. 阿比盖尔·泰勒的家人称游泳池未加盖的排水孔竟将她的小肠吸出。
The Transform Phlegm Open the Orifices and Drain Turbidity Treatment of Intracerebral Hemorrhage 化痰开窍泻浊法在脑出血治疗中的应用
The wound wouldn't hear and got swollen so the doctor had to open up the wound to drain the sore but underneath were little insects'eggs. 伤口没有处理肿起来了,于是医生不得不刮开伤口排疮,但是在伤口下面都是小小的昆虫卵。
Open the water heater drain valve and the nearest hot water faucet. 打开热水器排污阀和附近的热水水龙头。
Open the water heater drain valve and allow all the water to drain from the tank. Flush the tank with water as needed to remove sediment. 打开热水器排污阀,排泄内胆内的所有水。如果需要,用水冲洗内胆,清除沉淀物。
Through the comparison of the construction schemes the dewatering with open drain, replacement and dynamic compaction are used for the treatment of saturated silt ground under groundwater. 对地下水位以下较深的饱和粉土地基处理,经过方案比选,采用明沟降水,并进行部分换填加基坑内强夯的处理方法。
Research on Open System The analysis on the drain system in submarine 开放系统技术的探讨潜艇疏水系统分析研究
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