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in hospital和in the hospital的区别

来源: 时间:2024-09-17 16:07:57 浏览量:

in hospital和in the hospital的区别在于中文含义及用法不同。in hospital中文翻译为“在医院”是泛指的,重点是在医院中,也可翻译为“住院”而in the hospital中文翻译为“在那家医院”是特指哪家医院,也可意为“在医院这个地方”

一、in hospital的中文释义及双语例句

in hospital意为在医院、住院;当意思为在医院时,是泛指的,重点是人在医院中。

例句:In hospital they nursed me back to health.


He's in hospital, and in a confused state of mind.

他住院了,意识仍然不清。Doctors will keep her in hospital for at least another week.


The doctor had told him to stay in hospital a few more days, but he slipped back to the worksite.


二、in the hospital的中文释义及双语例句

in the hospital意为在医院、在医院这个地方,当意思为在医院时,是特指哪家医院。

例句:The women doctors and women nurses in the hospital add up to two hundred and five.


NC in the Hospital Information Management System Application


Li, who graduated from Shenzhen University, has worked in the hospital for two years.


三、in hospital和in the hospital的区别

1、in hospital指在医院,没有定冠词the的限制,是泛指的,而hospital是一个抽象名词,所以in hospital整个短语的意思可以为“住院”

2、in the hospital指在那家医院,有定冠词the的限制,是特指的,而the hospital成为了一个具体指某个地点的名词,所以in the hospital的是指在医院这个地方。

TAG: inhospital

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