1. 年份用基数词表示,一般写为阿拉伯数字,读时可以以hundred为单位,也可以以世纪、年代为单位分别来读。例如:1800 读作 eighteen hundred 253 读作 two hundred and fifty-three或two fifty-three;1949 读作 nineteen hundred and forty-nine 或 nineteen forty-nine
2. 表示在哪一年的时候,一般在年数前加介词in,使用year时,year放在数词之前。但是,通常采用in加表示年份的阿拉伯数字。例如:in the year two fifty-three B.C. 在公元前253年
为了简便起见,月份与日期连用时,月份常用缩写形式表示。缩写形式除May,June,July外,其它的月份都由其前三个字母表示,但September除外。在哪个月用介词in加第一个字母大写的月份词表示。例如:in May在五月; in July在七月。
January——Jan.一月 February——Feb.二月 March——Mar. 三月 April——Apr.四月 August——Aug.八月 September——Sept.九月 October——Oct.十月 November——Nov.十一月 December——Dec.十二月注:这里缩写形式后面加点不能省略,因为它是表示缩写形式的符号。
January is the start of a year.
There is Chinese poem saying that wind in February just blows like scissors.
Fake goods are afraid of March 15th.
The Foolish enjoy 1st.April.
May Day is a famous pop band in Taiwan Province of China.
June brings warm sunlight to us.
July always cries with rains.
August is always enjoyed by students.
Wake me up when September ends.
The start of October will be promotion days for merchants.
November comes with cold weather.
December lies the Christmas.
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