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World Cup的意思

来源: 时间:2024-09-20 08:14:56 浏览量:

World Cup 是什么意思及中文翻译:
名词(n.) 世界杯(世界上最高水平的足球比赛,与奥运会、F1并称为全球三大顶级赛事。每四年举办一次)
包含World Cup的短语
FIFA World Cup 国际足联世界杯
Badminton World Cup 羽毛球世界杯
FIFA Club World Cup 国际足联俱乐部世界杯
FIFA World Cup hosts 国际足联世界杯东道主
FIFA Futsal World Cup 国际足联德国世界杯
FIFA World Cup Trophy 国际足联世界杯奖杯
FIFA World Cup awards 国际足联世界杯奖
FIFA Women's World Cup 国际足联女子世界杯
FIFA World Cup records 国际足联世界杯记录
FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup 国际足联海滩足球世界杯
World Cup 相关例句
World Cup Economics To the world
世界杯或世界聚财之杯 世界杯经济学
World Cup rights have been sold to broadcasters all over the world.
Melrose Cup the trophy awarded the mens champions of the Rugby World Cup 5s.
Melrose Cup the trophy awarded the mens champions of the Rugby World Cup 7s.
And his The cup of life, which was the theme song of1998 World Cup, was popular around the world.
The atmosphere, though sizzling as per every World Cup year, was exceptionally charged this World Cup.
每一届世界杯都会带来一股热潮, 今年更是有过之而无不及。
He accompanied the national team during the whole World Cup tournament 2006 and filmed them 4 weeks long.
A common festival for all football fans all over the world, the Football World Cup, is held once every four years.
A survey about characteristics in techniques developing on rings according to the world cup artistic gymnastic1986 to the world it is the heaven in the world. Look at world
When asked whether the World Cup finals in France and their concert at Paris would be their last as the Three Tenors at a football World Cup, Pavarotti snapped, half seriously, ' Are you joking?

TAG: worldcup

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