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来源: 时间:2024-09-22 03:16:58 浏览量:

解释:;pron.<用作宾语>我们 [域] United States ,美国
us 是什么意思及中文翻译:
代名词(pron.) 我们
us 大小写变形:US
bus 公共汽车
BUS buspirone 丁螺环酮
rush 猛冲
rust 铁锈
trust 信任
GUSTO global use of strategies to open occluded arteries 打开闭塞性动脉的通用性策略
INDUST industry 工业
Circus circular intersection (Oxford Circus, Piccadilly Circus, St Giles Circus, etc.)<英国>环形交叉口(伦敦市口牛津广场,皮卡迪利广场,圣伊莱斯广场等)
Husbands [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 赫斯本兹取自父名,来源于Husband,含义是“赫斯本德之子”(son of Husband)
ethnomusi ethnomusicology 民族音乐学
US Weekly 美国周刊
US Quevilly 美国奎维利
US Rumelange 美国Rumelange
US Naval Forces 美国海军
US Virgin Islands 美属维尔京群岛
Eighth US Army Rear 第八美军后方
US Navy Patrol Squadron 美国海军巡逻中队
US War Ballot Commission 美国战争选票委员会
don't call us, we'll call you 别打给我们,我们会打给你的
Commander in Chief US Fleet Convoy and Routing Section 美国舰队护航和航线组总指挥
us 相关例句
Let us asunder and let us cast away their yoke from us.
Our mothers feed us, clothe us, and comfort us when we are hurt.
Mother, you had given us birth, given us lives, given us happiness and pains.
You can trust your angel. He enlightens us. He guides us. He takes care of us.
你可以信任你的守护神, 他一直在启发, 引导和呵护我们。
Other people can violate causality, other people can harm us, beat us, slander us.
Larger US net exports will replace US consumption and help sustain the US recovery.
美国净出口增加将取代美国消费, 帮助支撑美国经济复苏。
May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life.
But you crushed us and made us a haunt for jackals and covered us over with deep darkness.
你在野狗之处压伤我们, 用死荫遮蔽我们。
What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.
Disobedience to Gods word and His will for us will always keep us from accomplishing what God calls us to do.

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