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Petri net

来源: 时间:2024-09-22 16:08:00 浏览量:

网络petri网; Petri 网; 佩特里网; 皮特里网; 派翠网路


Research on petri net systems parallelization method Petri网系统并行化方法的研究

Application of coloured Petri net to workflow modeling 价格着色Petri网在工作流建模中的应用

Extended Fuzzy Timed Petri Net Definitions and Properties 扩展模糊时间Petri网的定义和性质

Signification of Complexity System Modeling Based on Petri Net Petri网在复杂系统建模中的意义

Research of using extending UML and Petri net to design embedded system 将扩展UML与Petri网应用在嵌入式系统设计中的研究

Research of the Application of Petri Net Theory in Electric System Petri网理论在电气系统中的应用研究

Model of distributed intrusion tolerant system based on Petri net 一种基于PETRINET的分布式入侵容忍系统模型研究

Web services composition model based on colored Petri net and classified services 基于有色Petri网和分类服务的Web服务组合模型

Research of Workflow Technique Application Based on Petri Net in Government Educational System Devised 基于Petri网的工作流模型在教育电子政务系统设计中的应用研究

Modeling and Analysis for the Cooling Water Real-time Control System Based on UML State Diagram and Petri Net 基于UML状态图和Petri网的冷却水实时控制系统建模与分析

Survivability analysis of telecommunication switching system based on Stochastic Petri net 基于随机Petri网的电信交换系统可生存性分析

Workflow Modeling and Time Performance Analysis Based on Petri Net 基于Petri网的工作流建模及时间性能分析

Research on Fault Diagnosis Methods for Power Grid Based on Fault Information System and Petri Net 基于故障信息系统和Petri网理论的电网故障诊断方法的研究

Study on and/ or Tree Algorithm Based on the Fuzzy Petri Net 基于模糊Petri网的与/或树算法研究

Study on Expert System Based on Fuzzy Petri Net 基于模糊Petri网专家系统的研究

Research and Implementation of a Dynamic Web Service Composition Based on Petri Net 基于Petri网的Web服务动态组合方法研究与实现

The Modeling and Analysising of the E-government System Based on Petri Net 基于Petri网的电子政务系统建模与分析

Modeling and Analysis of Cooperative Services Based on Stochastic Petri Net 基于随机Petri网的协同服务模型与分析

The Design and Implementation of Document Automation Processing System Based on UML and Petri Net 基于UML和Petri网的公文自动化处理系统的设计与实现

Simulation and Optimization Study of Discrete Production System Based on the Petri Net Modeling 基于Petri网建模的离散生产系统仿真优化研究

Research on the FMS Production System based on Colored Petri Net 基于有色Petri网的FMS生产系统的研究

Research on Method of Fault Diagnosis Based on Fuzzy Petri Net for Space Launch System 模糊Petri网在航天发射系统故障诊断中的应用研究

Research on Semantic Information Petri Net Based on Ontology and Its Application in System Modeling 基于本体的语义Petri网研究及其在系统建模中的应用

Realization and Application of the Expert System Based on Fuzzy Petri Net 基于模糊Petri网的专家系统实现与应用

Modeling method of radar test system based on UML and Petri net 基于UML和Petri网的雷达测试系统建模方法研究

A Modeling Method for Auto-body Control System Based on Colored Petri Net 基于有色Petri网的车身控制系统建模方法

Architecture of Collaborative Simulation Environment for Complex Products Based on Petri Net and Multi-agent 基于Petri网和多Agent的复杂产品协同仿真环境体系

Research on the Use of Colored Timed Petri Net and Stochastic Petri Net 有色时间Petri网与随机Petri网应用研究

Petri net has the directness of graphics and the preciseness of mathematics, being very fit for the description and analysis of complex logic system. Petri网具有图形化的直观性和数学的严谨性,非常适合进行复杂逻辑系统的描述与分析。

Petri Net Workflow Modeling Study Petri网的工作流模型建模研究

TAG: petri网

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