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odd even

来源: 时间:2024-09-24 15:48:28 浏览量:

网络奇偶; 奇偶数快速判断


Interlaces the odd and even scanlines of a video clip. 隔行扫描奇数和偶数视频片段的扫描行。

My company can produce all kinds of odd and even series of core drill pipe and rope. 我公司可以生产各种规格系列的单双管及绳索取芯钻具。

Very strange or unusual; odd or even incongruous in character or appearance. 非常奇怪或者不同寻常;特点或者外表奇怪甚至不协调。

Odd/ Even Licence Scheme Where's your number plate? 单/双数车牌号码制度你的车号牌在哪里?

I comb out the course of history developing from the primitive thinking to pided and unpided lines, then to odd and even numbers, and then to Yin and Yang. 本文梳理了由二分法思维习惯向阴阳爻、奇偶数、阴阳概念逐步抽象的历史和逻辑的进程。

Ci is a kind of particular poetry, which has an arrangement of odd and even, required long and short lines, but its structure is based on the tonal pattern and rhyme scheme. 词体属于诗的奇偶言板块,其句式以奇偶错杂为特质、长短参差为表征,而内在结构则以声律规则为组合。

The photon-subtracted odd ( even) pair coherent states are constructed and their nonclassical properties are investigated by using numeric method. 构造了减少光子奇对相干态与减少光子偶对相干态,并用数值模拟方法研究了它们的非经典特性。

Equalization Circuit with Odd and Even Module for Power Li-ion Series-connected Batteries Based on DSP Controller 基于DSP的动力锂离子动力电池奇偶均衡充电电路

For example, to make a table more readable, you would typically attach a different class name to every odd or even row of the table& otherwise known as striping the table. 比方说,要使一个表更具可读性,通常可以在表格的奇数行或偶数行中附加一个不同的类名&也可以称作把表分段(striping)。

The maturity of Chaochang region in Songliao basin is lower, and most of oils still keep odd even predominance of n alkanes. 松辽盆地朝长地区原油的成熟度普遍较低,大多数原油仍保留正烷烃奇偶优势,这主要与半咸水咸水环境中藻类母质生源输入有关。

Causing wonder or astonishment. We arrange its elements in ascending order, they are odd, even, odd, even, odd. 令人惊奇的或奇特的我们按其上升的顺序排列为奇、偶、奇、偶、奇。

The devices used are beam splitters and ideal photon detectors capable of distinguishing between odd and even photon numbers. 该方案所使用的器件包括分束器和可以区分奇偶光子数的理想光子探测器。

A way of life that is odd or even erratic but interferes with no rights or interests of others is not to be condemned because it is different. 一种与众不同甚至于异僻的生活方式如果没有干涉别人的权利或利益,就不能仅仅因为它不同于他人就遭受谴责。

Odd and Even Periodic Characteristics Analysis of Interleaver Based on Michelson-Gires-Tournois Interferometer 迈克耳孙Gires-Tournois干涉仪型梳状滤波器的奇偶周期特性分析

When news arrives, it will come like lightning, in an odd or even strange way. 消息以一种游戏猜测类的奇怪的方式闪电般到来。

In this paper, we apply unambiguous quantum state filtering to evaluation of the sensing decoherence channel for odd and even coherent probe states. 本文利用确定量子态过滤的方法,评价了奇偶相干态的去相干通道的敏感性。

Odd even rule of nuclear stability 核稳定性的奇偶定则

I suppose we looked very odd, even then. 我想即使在那时,我们的模样也一定很古怪。

For example," Progressive Scan "readout enables real-time processing by eliminating the delay required to combine odd and even fields ( 2:1 Interlace scanning). 例如,循序扫描读数允许通过去除用于结合奇偶场(2:1交错扫描)的延迟来实时处理。

Of course, the piety we advocate is not to imitate some odd or even abnormal actions in the old times, but to seek for higher stature; 当然,我们倡导的孝道并非要仿效古代某种奇特甚至有悖常理人性的做法,而是更高思想境界的追求;

Odd/ Even Licence Scheme Function representation of particle size distribution power-function 单/双数车牌号码制度GB/T16742.1-1997颗粒粒度分布的函数表征幂函数

The principle of algebraic quadratic congruence mapping is analysed, and then limitation of odd even protection and shift computation are added to the mapping of interleaver, and then a new improved algorithm for interleaver design is obtained. 首先分析算术二次同余映射的原理,然后在此基础上对交织器的映射关系加以保奇偶序限制和移位运算,得到改进的交织映射算法。

There exists a regular graph with odd ( even) degree not being a Hopf quiver. 存在度为奇(偶)数的正则图不是Hopf箭图;

The test results of 30 samples collected in 4 wells indicate that the abundance and extractable contents of organic matter in the coal measures are both high, n alkane possesses odd even predominance; 4口井30余块样品测试结果表明,煤系有机质丰度及可抽提有机质的量都较高;正构烷烃具明显奇偶优势;

Odd even analysis of digital signal of periodic square wave 周期方波数字信号的奇偶分析

The higher power squeezing effects of photon field for odd and even q coherent states have been studied. 研究了奇偶q变形相干态中光场的高阶压缩效应。

This method is applicable both to odd and even multiple numbers of clock code frequency. 这个方法对奇数倍钟码或偶数倍钟码均适用。

The inductosyn and the error of the tracking angle measuring system are analyzed. The once sinusoidal angle measuring error model resulted from odd even jumping in zero position of inefficient electric potential is deducted. 分析了感应同步器及跟踪型测角系统误差,推导了由非有效电势产生的零位奇偶跳动导致的一次正弦变化测角误差等误差模型。

And the differences and similarities of the situations of odd and even carriers have also been discussed. 文章同时对奇数及偶数载波数的异同进行了探讨。

At the same time, introduce the history of the numeral and inject the concept of odd and even numbers into the introduction. 并介绍了数字的历史,引入了奇数和偶数的概念。

TAG: oddeven

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