
来源:互联网转载 时间:2024-09-25 01:45:53 浏览量:

v.妥善放置; 把…收好




妥善放置;把…收好to put sth in a safe place

She found a seat, stowed her backpack and sat down.她找到一个座位,把背包放好,坐了下来。


VERB 保存;妥善放置If you stow something somewhere, you carefully put it there until it is needed.I helped her stow her bags in the boot of the car...我帮她将包放进汽车行李箱里。

Alistair had carefully folded up the paper and stowed it away under the sacks.阿利斯泰尔已小心翼翼地将那张报纸折起,放在厚纸袋下面。


I helped her stow her bags in the boot of the car 我帮她将包放进汽车行李箱里。

Alistair had carefully folded up the paper and stowed it away under the sacks. 阿利斯泰尔已小心翼翼地将那张报纸折起,放在厚纸袋下面。

Here I put in, and having stow'd my Boat very safe, I went on Shore to look about me and see where I was. 我把小船停放妥当后,便上了岸。我环顾四周,看看到底到了什么地方。

Stow suitcases and bags securely to prevent them from becoming deadly missiles in a crash. 固定住旅行箱、背包,防止事故中被掉落的行李砸伤。

If you surf/ ski/ snowboard, stow the boards inside the car. 如果你冲浪、滑雪,就把这些板装到车里去。

So we can properly stow it. 这样我们不会装载错行李。

Excuse me, where can I stow my luggage? The bin is full. 对不起,我把行李放哪儿?行李舱满了。

The bus has not come, and he is in a stow, for fear he will be late. 公共汽车还没开来,他焦虑不安,惟恐迟到。

Stow cargo in reefer hold. 把货物堆在冷冻舱内。

I knew there were three barrels of powder in the ship, but knew not where our gunner had stow'd them, but with much search I found them. 我知道船上还有三桶火药,只是不知道炮手们把它们放在什么地方了。我找了半天,终于找到了。

Down the underside runs a long tray to stow timbers used for supporting wide plant on the retractable outriggers. 我的翻译:沿车身底面的是长的托盘,以承载支架,而支架则用于将宽设备支撑在可伸缩支腿上。

I'm off to France in the morning, and if you like, I can stow you away on my ship. 我早上要出发去法国。如果你愿意,我可以把你藏在船上带走。

But with the stow of Abraham begins something more special to the Jewish race. 但从亚伯拉罕的故事起,对于犹太民族而言更为特殊的东西开始了。

The stow he told us was at once interesting and instructive. 他讲给我们听的故事,既有趣,又有益。

Passengers are requested to stow their hand-baggage in the lockers above the seats. 旅客须将随身携带的行李放入座位上方的贮藏柜里。

I can't read if you are talking, so stow it! 如果你们谈话,我就没法看书,所以不要再说了。

They will stick a tag on your luggage before you stow it so you know no one will take it by mistake. 他们会在行李上贴个条,这样你就知道没有人会拿错了你的行李。

Please stow this cargo in both wings as much as possible. 请将这些货尽量装在两舷边。

Two kids from a small town accidentally stow away aboard an airplane owned by the mob. 两个来自小镇的孩子,无意中上了一架坏蛋的飞机,就此展开了一场惊险旅程。

Passengers are requested to stow their hand-baggages into lockers above the seats. 要求乘客把他们随身携带的行李锁在座位上方的小柜里。

Michael Golding of Huntington Antiques in Stow accepts his role as an impromptu guide with good grace. 在斯托地方的亨廷顿古玩店的迈克尔-戈尔丁欣然担任了临时导游的任务。

Please stow your bags securely in the overhead lockers. 请把你的包整理好放在上方的锁柜里。

As the space may not be enough, you have to stow the reefer cargo as close as possible. 因舱容可能不够,你们须尽可能把冷藏货装得紧一些。

Flight Attendant: May I help you stow your backpack in the overhead compartment? 空服员:那需要我帮你把背包放在上方的置物柜吗?

Stow container ( s) onto hatch cover ( s). 把集装箱放到舱盖上。

Stow net, which is a kind of passive filter fishing gear, was seldom carried cut research on the selectivity model. 作为一种被动性的过滤型渔具,对张网渔具本身的选择性特点和选择性模型研究很少。

The passengers are ready to stow their bags and take their seats! 所有的乘客已放好自己的书包并坐在了座位上!

So where does Ritchie stow her now that the bride is back? 那么里奇的老婆回来了,里奇怎么安置她?

We may as well stow these things away and go up to town to see about our guns. 我们还是把这些东西收拾好,进城看看枪去吧。

I'll contact the foreman to tell the stevedores to stow the heavy machinery cases closely and note the even distribution of the weight on the bottom cases. 我会通知装卸领班让工人将这些重机器箱装紧,并注意重量要均匀分布在底箱上。


stow away

1. 秘密偷乘;无票偷乘


stow away

无票偷乘(船、飞机等)to hide in a ship, plane, etc. in order to travel secretly

She found a seat, stowed her backpack and sat down.她找到一个座位,把背包放好,坐了下来。



fill by packing tightly

stow the cart

TAG: stow

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