dice game的意思
dice game 是什么意思及中文翻译:
dice game 相关例句
Her game was saved by a lucky cast of the dice.
Chupu is the name of an ancient game, similar to dice.
樗蒲是古代得游戏名, 类似于现在得掷股子。
Chupu is the name of an ancient game, similar to dice.
樗蒲是古代的游戏名, 类似于现在的掷股子。
He enticed his former employer into another dice game.
How about a game of dice, Captain? You know you want to
来场子游戏吧, 上校?你知道你想要
You stop and join some halflings playing a game of dice.
And then we had a snakes and ladders game, where you throw dice.
A look at dice box points to eliminate the cell phone game, very simple!
一个看骰子点数来消方块的手机游戏, 很简单!
You won't be excited in a flip dice game if it isn't related with your property.
You wont be excited in a flip dice game if it is not related with your property.
就象掷鹘子, 如果不牵涉你的财产, 你就不会动心。
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