Paris is the capital France. is continental Europe''s largest city, is also one of the world''s most prosperous cities Paris is France''s largest industrial and commercial cityParis is a historic city of the world, there are plenty of attractions, the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, the Elysee Palace, the Palace of Versailles, the Louvre, the Place de la Concorde, Notre Dame de Paris, the Georges Pompidou Center, and other cultural and arts,UNESCO, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and other international organizations, the headquarters are located in Paris(法国首都巴黎 (Paris) 是欧洲大陆上最大的城市,也是世界上最繁华的都市之一,巴黎是法国最大的工商业城市,巴黎是一座世界历史名城,名胜古迹比比皆是,埃菲尔铁塔、凯旋门、爱丽舍宫、凡尔赛宫、卢浮宫、协和广场、巴黎圣母院、乔治·蓬皮杜全国文化艺术中心等,联合国教科文组织、经济合作与发展组织等国际组织的总部均设在巴黎) 自己挑着用吧...
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