again and again的意思
解释:<英>再三地, 反复地;连声;累次;三番两次
again and again 是什么意思及中文翻译:
<英>再三地, 反复地
包含again and again的短语
now and again 时而, 偶尔, 有时
time and again 无数次,屡次,一再
over and over again 一再地
now and again sometimes 不时地
again and again 相关例句
depicted again and again and again.
I will paint over this again and again and again.
I will repeat these words again and again and again.
So what happens when we read it again and again and again?
Give so little. Receive so much. Again and again and AGAIN!
付出如此之少, 回报却如此的丰厚, 而且是源源不断!
Your eye close and open again and again I die again and again.
你的眼睛贬啊贬, 我就死来活来?
There's a lot of opportunities to make it powerful again and again and again.
还有很多机会 将它变得越来越强大
again and again He will have to do it all again and again in an infinite regress.
A day, host burnishs stone again and again abluent, want again drive up its value.
He can ruin the most interesting match by just spouting cliche again and again and again.
他一张嘴就会使最精彩的比赛 变得淡然无味
again and again的近反义词
again and again的近义词
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