n.搞阴谋的人; 施诡计的人
搞阴谋的人;施诡计的人a person who plans secretly to do sth for their own advantage
N-COUNT 搞阴谋的人;施诡计的人If you refer to someone as a schemer, you mean that they make secret plans in order to get some benefit for schemers who think of nothing but their own advancement.只想着自己晋升的阴险狡诈的办公室职员
England schemer Lampard picked up his trophy on Thursday evening, but immediately set his sights on doing better next term. 兰帕德在周四说起他的感想的时候,就提起他希望在下赛季做的更好的愿望。
In a word, this unparalleled hero dies, is in the hand of schemer. The Gull of Fortune smiled upon him this once, and no one was killed. 总之这位盖世的英雄死在阴谋家的手里。命运之神在朝他微笑,总算没有谁死于非命。
A shrewd and heartless schemer. 狡猾而残忍的阴谋家。
The Brazilian international is rumoured to be high on Blues manager Carlo Ancelotti's shopping list as he looks to be reunited with the schemer who was an integral part of his AC Milan side. 巴西国家据称在安切洛蒂的转会名单前列,因为他看上去可能会和前AC主帅重聚。
What will you come up with, you dreamer, you schemer, you remarkably effective catalyst for change? Only you know. 无论是你的梦想,还是你的计划,你都是出色的催化剂,催生变化。
She waited and later grew impatient, and sought out Feng Meng the schemer and asked where her husband was. 她等待着,后来变得不耐烦,并指出了丰猛寻求阴谋家,问她的丈夫了。
More nests of conspirators and saboteurs have been uncovered,,, In a slip of the tongue the schemer exposed his true motivation. 更多阴谋者和破坏者的巢穴被揭发。阴谋者一时口误暴露了自己的动机。
A schemer who tries to gain advantage in an organization in sly or underhanded ways. By careful strategy he manages to push the proposal through. 一个企图通过耍滑或秘密手段在一个机构团体中谋利的阴谋家。通过审慎的谋划,他成功地使该建议获得通过。
The first method is that of a schemer and leads only to mediocre results; the other method is the path of genius and changes the face of the world. 一种是计划者的方法,一味权衡后果;另一种是天才的途径,直接改变世界的面貌。
To be "Machiavellian" came to mean to be a sly schemer, one who hides his evil intentions behind the mask of executive necessity. “如同马基维利”意味将邪恶的意图隐藏在合理面具下的狡猾阴谋家。
He's a schemer who always finds a way of getting what he wants. 他是一个阴谋家,老是有办法获取他所要的东西。
The transition from the think schemer to an event or process schemer is also reflected in the philosophy of language. 从思想系统,到事件系统的转变同样能体现在语言哲学上。
Marcovaldo the irrepressible dreamer, Marcovaldo the inveterate schemer. 天生的梦想家马可瓦多,智多星马可瓦多。
In a slip of the tongue the schemer exposed his true motivation. 阴谋者一时口误暴露了自己的动机。
I already mentioned that above: playfully suggest that she's evil, naughty, boring, drunk, egocentric, spoiled* clumsy* or a devious schemer. 我上面已经提到过:开玩笑地告诉她,她邪恶,顽皮,无聊,酒鬼,自私,傲娇,笨拙。。。或是个背地里搞阴谋的高手。
I'm not a schemer. I try to show the schemers how pathetic their attempts to control things really are. 我不是阴谋家。我只不过想让阴谋家们知道他们所谓的掌控有多么的可悲。
Thirdly, it is very illusory and uncertain for schemer to orient the text as folk text. 第三,文本的策划者将这套文本定位为民间文本,带有很大的虚幻性与不确定性。
In the process of counterfeiting, the operator is the schemer of the counterfeiting plan. 而在造假过程中,经营者则是造假方案的策划者和决定者。
Methods Twenty three patients with serious blepharitis were given slit-lamp examination, tear break-up determination, Schemer 1 test and corneal fluorescent staining before and after drug therapy. 方法对23例严重睑缘炎患者进行详细裂隙灯检查、泪膜破裂时间、泪液分泌试验测定及角膜上皮荧光素染色。
a planner who draws up a personal scheme of action
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