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so that

来源:互联网转载 时间:2024-10-06 01:22:58 浏览量:572

so that汉语翻译:

I study hard, so that I may not fail in the examinations.我用功,免得考不及格。

We turned on the light so that we might see (=so as to see) what it was.我们把灯打开,以便看看它是什么。

Bring it closer so that I may see it better.把它拿近点儿,让我看看仔细。

They put a screen around his bed so that the doctor could examine him.他们在他床的四周放上屏风,以便医生给他检查。

The term and condition are printed in very small letter so that they are difficult to read.条款与条件是用很小的字体印刷的,以致难以阅读。

She simplified the instructions so that the children could understand them.她简化了指令以便于儿童理解。

Making something by hand has become the exception in many countries today -- so much so that giving a homemade gift is sometimes considered extraordinary.当今用手做东西,在许多国家已经成为很特殊--如此地特殊,以致赠送自制礼物有时被认为是不寻常的。

We made a strategic withdrawal, so that we could build up our forces for a renewed attack.我们作了一次战略性退却,以便我们能积蓄力量再次进攻。

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