n. 拷问, 苦闷
vt. 拷问, 曲解, 折磨, 使弯曲
【法】 拷问, 拷打, 刑讯
be in torture词型变化:
agony, anguish, torment, torture, grief, misery, distress, sorrow这些名词均有“苦恼、痛苦”之意。
agony: 侧重指精神或身体痛苦的剧烈程度。
anguish: 指精神方面令人难以忍受的极度痛苦;用于身体时,多指局部或暂时的痛苦。
torment: 强调烦恼或痛苦的长期性。
torture: 语气比toment强,指在精神或肉体上受到的折磨所产生的痛苦。
grief: 指由某种特殊处境或原因造成的强烈的感情上的苦恼与悲痛。
misery: 着重痛苦的可悲状态,多含不幸、可怜或悲哀的意味。
distress: 多指因思想上的压力紧张、恐惧、忧虑等所引起的精神上的痛苦,也可指某种灾难带来的痛苦。
sorrow: 语气比grief弱,指因不幸、损失或失望等所产生的悲伤。英语解释:
名词 torture:
extreme mental distress同义词:anguish, torment
unbearable physical pain同义词:torment
intense feelings of suffering; acute mental or physical pain同义词:agony, torment
the act of distorting something so it seems to mean something it was not intended to mean同义词:distortion, overrefinement, straining, twisting
the deliberate, systematic, or wanton infliction of physical or mental suffering by one or more persons in an attempt to force another person to yield information or to make a confession or for any other reason同义词:torturing
动词 torture:torment emotionally or mentally同义词:torment, excruciate, rack
subject to torture同义词:excruciate, torment
例句:Torture always dehumanizes both the torturer and his victim.严刑拷打往往使施刑者和受刑者都丧失人性。
The use of torture must disgust any civilized person.施用酷刑必为文明社会的人所不齿。
He tortured his prisoners.他拷打犯人。
She suffered the tortures of toothaches.她因牙痛而痛苦。
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