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来源:互联网转载 时间:2024-08-20 14:57:18 浏览量:

n.根基; 基底; 底座; 根据; 出发点; (支持、收入、力量等的)来源,源泉,基础
base的复数; basis 的复数


Pronounced /'beɪsɪz/ for meaning 1. Pronounced /'beɪsiːz/ and hyphenated ba|ses for meaning 2. 义项1读作/'beɪsɪz/。义项2读作/'beɪsiːz/,分音节形式为ba|ses。

(base的复数)Bases is the plural of base.

(basis 的复数)Bases is the plural of basis.


The two hotel-restaurants are attractive bases from which to explore southeast Tuscany 对于去托斯卡纳东南部探险的人们来说,这两家酒店是很有吸引力的驻扎地。

He has managed to touch all the bases necessary, and trade goes on 他想方设法把所有必要的事情都处理妥当,生意也维持了下来。

Computerized data bases are proliferating fast 计算机数据库正在迅速激增。

Many Filipinos see the bases as an extension of American colonial rule 很多菲律宾人视这些基地为美国殖民统治的延续。

Preliminary talks on the future of the bases began yesterday. 昨天开始了关于基地未来的初步讨论。

The treaty provides that, by the end of the century, the United States must have removed its bases 条约规定,到本世纪末,美国必须撤除其基地。

The tail feathers are dark blue at their bases, shading to pale blue at their tips. 尾羽的根部呈深蓝色,到了尾尖就渐变成淡蓝色。

Foreign air bases should be removed immediately. 外国空军基地应立即撤除。

They responded with assaults against the enemy's bases. 他们向敌人阵地发起反攻。

They set up three bases before climbing to the top. 在登顶之前他们建了三个基地。

This figure illustrates how code bases are separated into modules for strong architecture and ownership. 这幅图描绘了代码基础是如何被分割到模块中用于强壮的架构和所有权的。

The Chinese air force has a new secret weapon to protect one of its bases: macaques. 中国空军有了一个保护某空军基地的新秘密武器:猕猴。

This log together with an analysis of the piece will be the bases for your final paper. 这记录和对这作品的分析将是你期末报告的基础材料。

This paper analyses the general method of proving the productive property and the theorems on which it bases. 分析了证明拓扑空间有限可积性的一般方法及所依据的定理,并对一些具体的性质加以证明。

Finally, the article concluded, to understand the revitalization of old industrial bases in northeast China's significance. 文章最后的总结了振兴东北老工业基地的重要意义。

Bases include oxides and hydroxides of metals and ammonia. 碱包含金属和氨的氧化物和氢氧化物。

Comparison and Analysis are made on theoretical bases of oil Inorganic and organic origins. 分析对比了石油成因的无机说与有机说的理论基础。

The coastal resources and environment are bases of survival and development for the residents. 同时,海岸带资源和环境也是居民生存和发展的基础。

This paper bases on the specific circumstance of Yushu, puts forward the path selection of the sustainable development. 本文结合玉树地区的具体情况,尝试提出了玉树灾区经济可持续发展的路径选择。

The attack wiped out our forward bases. 攻击消灭了我们的前方基地。

This company is one of the major bases for researching, developing and producing organic fluorine. 本集团是国内专业从事有机氟研制、开发和生产的主要基地之一。

Some are based on regression analysis of significant data bases. 有些是基于回归分析的重要数据基础。

Its bases and the farmers supporting them. 基地和支持他们的农民。

Sichuan is one of the major industrial bases of China. 四川是一个重要的工业基地中。

Grid Account System is one of the key technologies and bases of mass grid technology applications. 网格计费系统是网格技术走向大规模应用的关键技术和前提之一。

The study on satellite communication in motion bases on panel antenna in this paper. 本文中对动中通的研究是基于一平板天线的动中通系统展开的。

For governments, International Standards provide the technological and scientific bases underpinning health, safety and environmental legislation. 对政府来说:国际标准将对环境、安全、健康等方面的立法提供了技术和科学依据。

Strengthening Theoretical Bases and Methods Research of Information System Integration 大力加强信息系统综合集成的理论基础和方法研究

At the same time, the selection method of Wavelet bases and hierarchy number is also analyzed here. 同时,分析了在合成脉动风时小波函数基的选取方法和分层数的选取。

Its theory bases on the educational outlook and scientific outlook of the narrow theory of knowledge. 从根本上说,知识教育是一种以知识为本的教育,其理论基础是狭隘的知识论的教育观和科学观。

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